One of the first things I participated in when I arrived to Tallahassee was a rally with UFW and the AFL-CIO. It was quite an experience. Thousands of migrants work in Florida. A holiday to recognize that effort and to highlight the 'real cost' of our food is definitely something I can get behind.
Cesar Chavez Day is currently an observed holiday in eight states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin. With legislation is in the works to make it a federal holiday. Visit the United Farm Workers website
to sign a petition urging legislators to commemorate Chavez and the struggles of the migrant workers with a federal holiday.
Here is a good article on Chavez.
Also, there is another effort in the legislature to get the homes and places of work of Chavez declared historical sites. Apparently, it is being fought by Republicans.
Lawmakers renew push for federal Cesar Chavez holiday
The Associated Press
Article Launched: 03/31/2008
WASHINGTON—Congressional Democrats are renewing their call for a federal holiday honoring the late farmworkers' rights activist Cesar Chavez.
Chavez was born March 31, 1927, and in 2000 California became the first state to create an official state holiday in his honor. Other states including Texas and Arizona also observe the day.
In Washington, D.C., members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and others have pushed for a federal holiday since Chavez's death in 1993.
Legislation by Hispanic Caucus Chairman Joe Baca of California has about three dozen co-sponsors and Baca plans to call for its passage at a news conference Tuesday.
He's getting support from Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama who issued a statement backing the holiday.
A few more links:
Visit Democracy Now! for excerpts from Chavez's speeches and an interview with Delores Huerta, co-founder of UFW.
California Celebrates Cesar Chavez Day
Obama Calls for Nat'l Holiday

Monday, March 31, 2008
Si, Se Puede! (Cesar Chavez Holiday)
Posted by Yogi Chi at 4:23 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, labor
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