Mitch Ceasar is one of the most powerful party leaders in Florida, and has worked hard to earn his leader status. As chair of the Democratic Executive Committee in one of the strongest and largest Democratic Counties in the nation (Broward County, Florida) he has to organize and control Democrats of every stripe and get them to unite and work together behind Democrats of every stripe. I have included the full text from his post at the Huffington Post so that you, dear reader, can get a better insight into the mind of Mitch.
Confessions of a Super Delegate
Everybody wants to feel wanted. This is a premise universally affirmed by psychiatrists, voodoo practioners, and Dr. Phil for many generations. As I compose this missive, it is obvious that I (and my peers) are minor characters in the ultimate reality show entitled "The Democratic Nomination." TNT may "Know Drama," but they have nothing on my Democratic Party.
As a child I always wanted to be Superman, never knowing I was to become Super Delegate, but without a cape, and alas no special powers. I am the Broward County Democratic Chair, and a DNC member. I grew up in Brooklyn; which explains why my Chairmanship is in South Florida. For decades I have been continually active for the Democratic Party, its ideals and its candidates. I know I am no different than my other DNC counterparts around the country. But, now I have reason to rejoice, as I am an uncommitted Super Delegate which is a breed of political prey that is becoming part of a diminishing species. It seems the longer I remain uncommitted, the more rare and sought after I become.
Having said that (for the benefit of the pundits who may be making more of us than we are), I enjoy the attention lavished on me by candidates, family and friends network, and neighborhood busybodies. I especially enjoy the comments advising me that I "can whisper" in their ear my innermost political leanings; with total safety and confidentiality. I am sure this is how the development of the atomic bomb secrets began to unravel.
Everyone from the media to the free world want to know the criteria to be utilized by Super Delegates in deciding whom to support for our Presidential nomination. Should it be who has the most delegates, who has the most votes, who won Red states, who won big states? Perhaps we should simplify this process. A more appropriate criteria in determining a nominee (as the above questions are too tough) should be which of our two candidates can beat Ann Coulter in arm wrestling, or which candidate can get two successive sentences completed without being interrupted by Chris Mathews. It would seem that these accomplishments are equally important.
Democrats are the Party of Adult Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.). We like to talk very publicly about everything. Later we realize that may not have been the best strategy. Democrats are proud to be the excessively verbal family. The Republicans talk little (except about terror), and hate disorder, so their decisions are made by a few "rich uncles" in a side room at the club.
The press has portrayed this phase of the campaign (because of its unpredictable closeness) as akin to Monty Hall's, Let's Make A Deal." The contestants are the Super Delegates waiting in line to trade their vote for an Ambassadorship to Paraguay, or an Under Secretary of Sanitation (behind door number 3). I don't think so! Unfortunately, on some days I feel as if I am a participant on "Biggest Loser" as opposed to "Survivor."
We live in a nation of immediate gratification. However, this primary season seems to be denying us that which we crave - an early nominee to battle a third term Bush Presidency. In fact, our current President indicated the McCain is a true conservative. Thank God, now I can sleep well at night. Of course, if I hear Senator McCain say "my friends" more often than the current 142 times per speech, I will jump out the window. My luck the fall would be cushioned by staffers from Clinton and Obama campaigns each claiming they could "take the hit" more easily than their counterpart.
As I said, I am from Florida, Land of the Recount and the currently uncounted even as a DNC member. In fact many have speculated at my ability to sit at the political "table" and make deals, since I may not even get into the building. I thought I had seen and witnessed everything. I did not anticipate Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity attacking their presumptive nominee. I guess it is always about ratings. Nor did I believe it was possible for many of the original Republican candidates to express disbelief about Darwinism. I do cheer Huckabee's abolition of the Internal Revenue Service. This is just one of the many reasons I pray for him. .. to be the Republican Vice Presidential nominee.
On a serious note, Democrats are very lucky this year. Clinton and Obama are the best vetted candidates in a generation.
John Kerry lost because he was anointed after Iowa and New Hampshire, beating the expectation game. He was expected to win Iowa, then it was thought he would lose Iowa, then he won Iowa (it was like an old Jackie Mason comedy routine). However, our two Senators here been tested on debate, fundraising, unpredictability response, strategy, field operation, and the chase for celebrity endorsements. Most importantly, they have been tested by the most formidable political force - each other! Whoever is the Democratic Nominee will be the sharpest, most prepared in many years. This is why the race is close, and my decision which may or may not prove relevant is so difficult. It is a burden I am ambivalent in carrying. It has not been easy. In fact, the longer I stay uncommitted, the more I am sure I will need to be "committed".
It reminds me of the old Simon and Garfunkel song "Mrs. Robinson". I must paraphrase the lyric to indicate how lucky this nation is with either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. Laugh about it, shout about it when you got to choose, any way you look at it you can't lose. I really just want to win in November.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
MItch Ceasar's Huffington Post
Posted by Florizel at 10:49 AM
Labels: Broward, Mitch Ceasar, superdelegates
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1 Comment:
They could reverse the delegate rejection by DNC/Dean if they used Ausman's appeal or maybe some other method to get the bigshots to suspend the rules. Kind of a plea bargain.
Of course, it would require Howard Dean to get a clue - so divine intervention would also be required.
I typed out the full idea in my Saturday morning Blogspot post.
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