This was sent to me by a Friend in Tennessee. Harold Ford Jr. is the Chair of the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council), which is allied with the Progressive Policy Institute where the immediate past LCYD President Beth Kennedy now works in DC.
Ford: Setting record straight on Barack Obama
Harold Ford, Jr., Guest columnist
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The attack on Sen. Barack Obama by Robin Smith and Bills Hobbs of the Tennessee Republican Party was so rancid and over the line that Sen. Lamar Alexander, the state's leading Republican, repudiated it. The following day, the National Republican Committee and Sen. John McCain also rebuked the attack.
The attack leveled by the Tennessee Republican Party involved putting up on its Web site a picture of Obama on an official government trip to Somalia in traditional Somali dress and referred to it as "Muslim" clothing. They accompanied this slur with a statement that described Obama as a menace to Israel referring to him as Barack Hussein Obama.
Let's be clear about the intent of the Tennessee Republican Party's attack. They want to leave the false impression that Obama is Muslim and tie him to radical Islamic terrorists who seek to destroy America. They also seek to perpetrate a scurrilous lie that Obama is an enemy of Israel and can't be trusted with protecting the national security of the United States.
Tennessee Republican chairwoman Smith defended this reprehensible smear by saying, "We have a duty to inform the Republican base."
While Smith may have a duty to inform the Republican base, she also has an obligation to tell the truth and provide accurate information. In the interest of truth and fairness, it is important that we set the record straight.
Obama has been a Christian of deep faith all of his adult life. Never has he been a Muslim. He has said numerous times during the course of the presidential campaign that his religious faith is an anchor in his life and informs his public views.
Obama is a patriot, loves his country and stands shoulder-to-shoulder with McCain and others who seek to protect the country against terrorist attacks. Obama believes a new strategy is needed to maximize our fight against radical Islamic fundamentalists, like finishing the job against al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan and rooting out terrorists who are hiding out in Pakistan. After the tragedy of 9/11, no one should question the commitment of either political party when it comes to the seriousness of fighting terrorism.
Obama has been one of Israel's strongest allies during his time in the Senate. He is strongly committed to the stability and preservation of Israel and has used his membership on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to advance this cause. In addition, he has fought against the scourge of Anti-Semitism throughout his public life, most recently rejecting and denouncing the hate-filled ideology of Minister Louis Farrakhan at the presidential debate in Austin last week.
Let's be clear what the upcoming presidential election should be about. Seven years into a new century - a time filled with hope and promise - the United States is facing major challenges that will determine our role in the world and the lives our children and grandchildren will lead. The country is yearning for leadership, not hate-filled attacks. The country wants a robust and substantive debate about the future, not a series of smears and lies.
Let this be an election worthy of the people our candidates seek to lead and the perilous and challenging times we are living in. Let this be an election where we reject the politics of the past and unify the country around a common agenda to move us forward.
The challenges we face are daunting, but well within our reach to solve. Tennesseans want and deserve an election where the big ideas are fully debated and there is clarity about the differences between the two major candidates running for the presidency. Who is best to lead us in the fight against terrorism and protecting the homeland? Who is best to lead us in producing the jobs of the 21st century? Who is best to lead us in reducing our dependence on foreign oil and building up an alternative fuels industry?
Who is best in helping hard-working Americans achieve their full potential and a piece of the American Dream? Who is best to lead us in restoring discipline to our federal budget, reducing our federal debt and reforming runaway entitlement costs?
Tennesseans will never hear this debate if the Tennessee Republican Party continues its smear campaign to avoid discussing these issues so critical to our future.
Smith and Hobbs blighted our wonderful state by seeking to divide our citizens with their attack on Obama a few days ago. It is time for all Tennesseans of good will, in both political parties, to reject the politics of hate and demand a politics worthy of their hopes and dreams.
Harold Ford Jr., a former U.S. Democratic representative from Memphis, ran for the U.S. Senate in 2006 and is vice chairman of Merrill Lynch.

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Ford: Setting record straight on Barack Obama
Posted by Florizel at 9:27 PM
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