Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Young Democrat Super Delegate

There is a link in our subject bar to the CNN Story. This super delegate is 21, and has never voted in a Presidential Election. Jason Rae is a college Junior in Wisconsin. He was elected to the DNC at age 17, beating out the President of the state's firefighters union.

I would love to see us elect an active young democrat (or 2) into one of our state's 11 DNC member slots next spring.

The article is regarding his breakfast with Chelsea Clinton, where she was trying to convince him to vote for her mother. He is being outreached to by both presidential candidates and their surrogates.

Just something to think about for next year.

Jason is the youngest DNC member ever.

More press on Jason:

Link to postive blog

and another blog post using Jason as the example of all delegates. Dan Abrams thinks it is suspect that any one super delegate is the equal of over 10,000 primary voters.

Jason ~ I assume you have set up a google alert on yourself, or the equivalent, Congrats and good luck.