Saturday, June 04, 2005


Some really interesting reading if you haven't yet checked it out.

For instance:

Curves currently has a 0% BuyBlue rating due to political contributions for the 2003-2004 election cycle. Curves executives contributed exclusively and heavily (over $112,000) Republican. Curves does not have a political action committee.

In addition to being solidly red, Curves CEO Gary Heavin, is firmly against women's rights. The things you have heard are in fact true, Heavin has spent huge amounts of cash (upwards of $5 million) funding extremist anti-choice organizations such as Operation Save America. One would think that Heavin would be supportive of women given that is his customer base and you'd be wrong. It is time for women across America to stand up and shut this guy down.
I could not agree more - if you know anyone who goes to a Curves Gym, make sure they know what their membership fees are funding!