Friday, December 07, 2007

Who <3's Huckabee?

Here is an article from (Link)

In this article by Max Brantley, titled "The Dark Side of Mike Huckabee" gives an inside Little Rock opinion of the man who appears to be swinging up in the polls.

Highlights from the article:

Huckabee insists he's not one of those harsh, punitive, "angry" conservatives, but again, there are witnesses who might say otherwise if anyone's interested.

Ask the retarded Fort Smith teenager, raped by her stepfather, who sought Medicaid funding for an abortion as federal law required. Huckabee stood in the hospital door, at least figuratively, to prevent state funding. Ask the gay people belittled by his cracks about "Adam and Steve." Ask the scientists who've seen evolution virtually disappear from the textbooks and classrooms of Arkansas with his administration's acquiescence.


At the American Spectator, once home to the anti-Clinton Arkansas Project, senior editor Quin Hillyer, a former Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial writer, wrote recently, "National media folks like David Brooks [of the New York Times], dealing in surface appearances only, rave about what a nice guy Huckabee is, and a moral exemplar to boot. If they only did a little homework, they would discover a guy with a thin skin, a nasty vindictive streak, and a long history of imbroglios about questionable ethics."

At last, something the national media and the Arkansas media can agree on.

Huckabee needs a little more scrutiny before he starts winning votes, then again, it could be fun to win a race by a landslide!

This article was the first time I had heard that he had his Governor's office computers crushed to ensure that there could not be any records to access in the future. That makes me happy to live in Florida with our Sunshine State Laws, and allows me to applaud Governor Crist in his efforts to expand and enforce those laws.