Thursday, April 20, 2006

Statewide Press for the LCYDs

The Smith Campaign is hosting the radio interview that played on Florida Public Radio last week on their website...

Hear our organization's name, hear the vice president of the LCYDs Thure Caire speak and earn himself statewide name recognition.

Check out the link:


Anonymous said...

this radio add says smith has the odds? Why randomly post the same comment again and again? The D's still out number the R's in the state. If the R's hadn't drawn the districts so non competative they wouldn't be in office and the state of Florida would have real candidates... less extreme parodies of what both parties stand for.

Anonymous said...

Dear ed, yes for 122 years the dems held the state and re-drew the districts. Then 10 years ago the r's take control and the dem's blame the districts for their extinction. So in reality the d's don't even need to show up at the the state capital as they would not be missed.