Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Reflections on the 2004 Election by YD Staffer

Our links contain several worthwhile links, and I hope that at some point that you, our faithful reader, have gotten the opportunity to check them out. One of the links is to Wiretap, Alternets writings focused on the views of young, ranging from teenagers to the early 30's. Often the essays are insightful and from a world view that is easy to identify with.

I wanted to highlight an essay by Adam Frankel and his reflection on being a 24 year old speech writer for Senator Kerry during last years election cycle. If you click on the title bar you will be taken to his essay The Top 10 Lessons I Learned on the Kerry Campaign. I know that some of you will find it insightful and perhaps it will carry advice that you might find useful as you consider working on campaigns.