Friday, September 02, 2005

If you haven't already: GIVE


Anonymous said...

This is an amazing photojournalism story of a man in New Orleans and the changes that occurred over 5 days...leading to his escape to Texas. The pictures--encouragingly, aren't as devastating as what we all saw on the news. Indeed, media can be sensationalist. But looking at his pictures made me realize how lucky I was to visit--though a scary and dangerous place to visitors, still beautiful. It also changed my view of what went on. Having been through so many hurricanes's so true--a lot of these people didn't think it would be serious, a "false alarm" of sorts. And it seems as though the story would have been different had the levee not broken. It could have remained a cosmetic problem mainly...instead of what happened in days 3, 4, and 5. any engineer would have told you (and I spoke to some)...the weight of sand is not nearly enough to substantially solve the problem. My dad, Blake---everyone said to sink a barge. If they had only had some on standby to sink....

Subject: 197 Pictures from New Orleans

I know that most of you have seen the pictures of New Orleans and the devastation it has incurred, but not in this way. These are some AMAZING pictures. A man, named Alvaro, documented 197 pictures from New Orleans before the storm and flood and after the storm and flood. He even has some pictures of all the looting that was going on. Trust me, it is truly worth the time to take a look at these photos, you will not be disappointed!

Just click on this link below:

Anonymous said...

Here is the link again: