The Florida Young Democrats and The Florida Democratic Party have both already come out against the Florida Family Admendment, which would better define the term marriage in our state constitution. The main goal of this admendment is to provide state constituinal support for our state's law banning same sex marriage, although there are a lot of people who believe that it will effect relenting between heterosexual couples also.
Why do I bring this up today? I was forwarded an email John Stemberger who is the Chairman of who had several links on the end of his email, including one titled: How the Amendment May Effect Other Statewide Elections
He concluded his email like this:
"Would you PLEASE ask yourself "what would God have me to do over the next three months?" to help this important and historical effort in Florida. We only have only a short window of opportunity and this is a Herculean unprecedented volunteer effort--but with everyone playing apart, WE CAN DO THIS.
Thank you in advanced for your commitment to the protection of natural Marriage in Florida."
Now mind you, if you click the link you can read where Joe Follick says Stemberger says "He said the group is not trying to influence other races." I am sure than the title of his link above to his supporters is just an observation.
It is also mentioned that "Stemberger was the author one of last year's most strident political moves as a supporter of U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez. During a bitter primary fight, Stemberger was behind a direct mail flier carrying the approval of Martinez's campaign that called conservative candidate Bill McCollum a man who would "appease the radical homosexual agenda."
But, still not the reason that this post is here today for the Blog Readers, no itbecauseasue of another Stemberger quote in the article, on describing how he feels about the campaign:
"This is our moment in history. This is like our civil rights movement"
A civil rights movement where you secure that people will never have the right to marriage or a civil union. No matter what thier religion teaches, or science proves, or how popular opinon may change.
What would God want you to do over the next three months with this campaign?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Thoughts on Another Constitutional Admendment
Posted by LCYD at 5:22 PM
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