This weekend the Leon County Young Democrats will be helping make small repairs, paint and clean the Florida Democratic Party Head Quaters, and we welcome you to come and join us.
We will be meeting at the HQ at 10AM we will be there until till about 4PM. The event may last six hours but feel free to come and go as you please. One of the reasons we are spending 6 hours at the party is to allow for flexibility of attendance.
It should be a really fun experience and a great way to help the party.
For those of you that need the extra incentive, we will have donuts and coffee for breakfast (both Dunkin and Krispy Kreme) and we will make sure that there is lunch for everyone who has been volunteering too.
I hope to see you there!
Map It

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
This Old Political Party HQ
Posted by LCYD at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Leon Democratic Executive Committee Chair Steps Down
Paige Carter-Smith "The head of the Leon County Democratic Party announced her resignation Monday night but insisted it has nothing to do with the nagging controversy surrounding party finances or the demise of the Scott Maddox campaign for governor."
Chair Carter-Smith, who was elected about six months ago, has had to lead the Leon County DEC during a period of transition and confusion. She did an excellent job, and was very supportive of the Leon County Young Democrats. Hopefully this resignation will allow for her to spend more time with her family and her new business and will allow for her to continue her successes and continue to work on advancing the Democratic Party from the Private Sector.
Thank you Chair Carter-Smith for your hardwork, patience, time and energy.
Posted by LCYD at 8:57 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 22, 2005
The Battle Begins
Excerpts on important article about redistricting opposition:
"Both houses of the Republican-controlled state Legislature are opposing a ballot initiative that would strip the Legislature of its power to draw political districts and give it to an independent commission.
But they disagree on whether to spend public money to fight it....
Legislators named as parties in the Senate opposition are ... Democrat, Al Lawson of Tallahassee...
Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Dania Beach, who supports the ballot initiative, said an independent commission would have to comply with the Voting Rights Act provisions that require minority representation."
Read this article to see what is being said about this initiative fully supported by the Leon County Young Democrats.
Posted by LCYD at 10:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Rumor Mill: Cheney may resign, Secretary Rice may become V.P.
From the US News and World Report:
"It's certainly an interesting but I still think highly doubtful scenario," said a Bush insider. "And if that should happen," added the official, "there will undoubtedly be those who believe the whole thing was orchestrated – another brilliant Machiavellian move by the VP."
Said another Bush associate of the rumor, "Yes. This is not good." The rumor spread so fast that some Republicans by late morning were already drawing up reasons why Rice couldn't get the job or run for president in 2008.
"Isn't she pro-choice?" asked a key Senate Republican aide. Many White House insiders, however, said the Post story and reports that the investigation was coming to a close had officials instead more focused on who would be dragged into the affair and if top aides would be indicted and forced to resign.
Posted by LCYD at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Florida Young Democrat News
The Florida Young Democrats had a conference call last night where our upcoming convention in December was discussed. I would encourage everyone to be thinking about who we can nominate for these awards, I would like to see us nominate at least one person for each award:
Awards Committee Volunteers: contact Dave Cutler. Nominations for awards should be emailed immediately to Dave at Here is the list of FYD awards:
County Chapter of the Year: to recognize a chapter that has shown either a dramatic increase in membership or whose members represent a large portion of elected or appointed city/county offices.
College Chapter of the Year: to recognize a chapter that has shown either a dramatic increase in membership or whose members represent a large portion of elected or appointed school/city/county offices.
High School Chapter of the Year: to recognize a chapter that has shown either a dramatic increase in membership or whose members have assisted in public awareness campaigns..
FYD Event of Distinction: to recognize one or more chapters that created state-wide attention for positively promoting the Democratic ideals.
Jeffrey Mattison Wershow Service Award: this award was named after an Alachua County Young Democrat and Army National Guardsman who was killed in the line of duty while serving in Iraq in 2003; the award is to recognize an outstanding FYD member who serves in the armed forces, in any of the CitizenCorps programs, with their local police department, or with their local fire department.
Young Democrat of the Year: to recognize an outstanding Democrat not older than forty-one (41) years of age.
Democrat of the Year: to recognize an outstanding Democrat elected official who has supported the FYD and its goals.
At the end of last night's call our state Chair, Matthew Cole, let us know his intention to resign from his role as chair. Here is his official statement from the minutes he sent out following the call:
"Lastly, I would like to make a personal announcement. As a small business owner, my work schedule has increased to the point that I can not dedicate the full time necessary to serve as FYD Chair. I am therefore calling for the election of a new FYD Chair to be held during our December 10th caucus at the FDP convention. The new Chair would commence service at the conclusion of the Central Committee meeting and continue to serve through 2007, the remainder of the current term.
In the mean time, stay focused on building your local chapters as we gear up for our December meeting and prepare the groundwork for victories in 2006!"
I know that the Leon County Young Democrats appreciate all of the hard work that Matt has put into our organization statewide and we have noticed the improvement of our organization over the last 2.5 years and we are sorry to see him move on.
He is leaving big shoes to fill.
Posted by LCYD at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Help the Smith for Governor Campaign!!
The Smith Campaign needs vounteers to pass out literature at the FAMU Homecoming Parade this Saturday. The parade starts at 9 am and we'll meet up around 8:30. Please contact Sarah at if you are interested. Hope to see you there!
Posted by Anonymous at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2005
Welcome Back!
It's a committee week up at the capital.
Post comments if you have any news of developments of which we should be aware.
Posted by LCYD at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ammunition~ President Bush Poll Numbers Fall to Unheard of Levels
These poll results were publicized last Wednesday, but today I found the perfect visual to compliment them (click the title bar).
Here are highlights from this article:
"Support for the majority Republican party in the United States is sagging as President George W. Bush's popularity continues to slide, according to a poll (commissioned by United States television channel NBC and the Wall Street Journal) released on Wednesday.
A plurality of Americans, 48%, said they would prefer the Democrats to control Congress compared to 39% who want the Republicans in power....
The gap between the two parties was the largest recorded since the NBC/Journal poll started asking the question 11 years ago."
The most shocking part of the polls results:
"The poll also revealed overwhelming opposition to Bush among African-Americans. Only two percent said they approved of his performance as president, the lowest level ever recorded in that category, NBC television reported. "
You can also find more on this story here: Link This website reports how on October 4th President Bush argued that he was the right person to bridge the racial divides in the United States. I guess he was wrong.
Posted by LCYD at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
WFSU Pledge Drive
The Leon County Young Democrats will be ON THE AIR for the WFSU (NPR) Fall Pledge Drive this Friday, October 14, 2005 from 4-6:30 pm. This is the LCYD's second time supporting WFSU during the pledge drive, and we hope to raise even more money for the best public radio station in Florida. If you're planning on pledging a donation to WFSU so that they can continue to provide our area with the valuable asset of excellent public radio, please try to make your pledge during our set.
If you're unable to donate money during these tight times, but you would be willing to help out answering phones this Friday during our set, please contact me at Click on the link above for a map to the radio station.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
The Leon County Democratic Executive Committee will conduct a Precinct Captain training seminar on Saturday, October 15, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Marriott Courtyard, located at 1018 Apalachee Parkway, Meeting Room B. Monica O’Neal, Vice Chair of the Leon County DEC, will lead the training.
The Democratic Party needs your help in organizing Democrats at the neighborhood level. Precinct Captain training is open to committeemen and committeewomen, as well as to all Leon County Democrats.
Want to help your Democratic Party win in 2006? To register and get involved, write to Monica O’Neal at
Seating is limited.
Posted by LCYD at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 10, 2005
Jim Davis Volunteer Meeting
Leon County
Monthly Volunteer Meeting
Wednesday, October 12th, 2005
7:00 p.m
Tallahassee Progressive Center
1720 S. Gadsden Avenue
Tallahassee, Florida
To RSVP contact:
Milli Smith at 850.561.3089
Political advertisement paid for Jim Davis, Democrat for Governor
Printed In-House – Labor Donated
Posted by Tracy at 10:09 PM 6 comments
New Link
Check out the new Florida Political Blog FL Politics. It is modeled on the national Blog Daily Kos, where lots of people can contribute lots of information and help keep everyone informed. Already there are already several interesting post on the site.
Look to the 'links' section to the right -----> of this post and click FL Politics to see if this new website is worth visiting regularly.
Posted by LCYD at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 07, 2005
Local Candidate Drops Out of Race
Former State Democratic Party Chair, Leon DEC Chair, and Mayor of Tallahassee, Scott Maddox, has formally dropped out of the race for Governor. Many of our members have worked closely with the former Chairman over the last few years and have a great deal of respect for him.
The Tallahassee Democrat reports:
"Former Tallahassee Mayor Scott Maddox dropped out of the race for governor today and endorsed U.S. Rep. Jim Davis of Tampa for the Democratic nomination.
Maddox said the controversy surrounding his handling of Democratic Party finances when he was state chairman has not badly wounded his campaign, and his fund-raising for the past quarter was adequate. But, he said, the Democrats can't compete with the Republicans unless they unite and concentrate what money they have on winning next year."
Posted by LCYD at 3:59 PM 2 comments
My Affinity for Live Oak
I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of the potential for a quasi local person to qualify to run for the President of the United States. It is slightly distressing that he has chosen to run a Whig, but although the Democratic Party is a Giant tent, it is not for everyone.
Pate in 2008
Michael Pate, of Live Oak, Florida, has declared his intentions of running on the Whig Ticket for President of the great U.S. of A. His Bio page clearly states why, and I quote the content in full detail:
A little about me...
I meet all three Constitutional requirements for President:
I am over 35 years old
I was born in the United States
I have lived in the United States for over 14 years
Check out the link in the title bar for more information!
Posted by LCYD at 12:08 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 06, 2005
One way to handle the situation
This was passed along to me by a conservative friend of mine. I'm not sure it's a sound long term anti-theft policy, but it did make me laugh.
Posted by Thure at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Eric Copeland Switches Races
Eric Copeland, former candidate for CFO, is now a candidate for agricultural Commissioner for Florida. This leaves strong candidate Alex Sink currently unopposed for state CFO and gives us a candidate for Ag. Commissioner.
Realize that there is just under a year left for qualifying for these seats and that every statewide seat is still anybody's game and that someone new could jump in at anytime.
Posted by LCYD at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
A Lot Of News Today
I like a random reference as much as the next person, but when your Governor starts sighting the Fairy Godmother as a reason for a major policy change.... Jeb Bush supports drilling in eastern Gulf of Mexico
I really don't get what he meant, if you understand please let us know in the comments, perhaps it is a nick name for his brother or lobbyist or his imaginary friend, I just don't know....
Jeb has also been in the news because of his new reading contest where the winners get several prizes including a copy of the C.S. Lewis children's novel signed by no other than Jeb and Columba Bush themselves. He is actively encouraging children to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. A book the article calls 'overtly christian'. It is the start of a series which is a re-telling of the new testament. "As to the religious themes in the book, (Mary Laura Openshaw, Bush's director of Just Read, Florida) said the story could be read without reference to Christianity. She said she wanted children "to read the book and decide for themselves." But of course, you don't have to take my word for it.
Here is a good article about Senator Nelson: Sen. Nelson: Americans fed up with GOP; need alternative fuel
Thanks to Fl Politics for showing what happens to the people once elections are over: FEMA asks Floridians to repay $30.3-million
Posted by LCYD at 9:57 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Thoughts on Another Constitutional Admendment
The Florida Young Democrats and The Florida Democratic Party have both already come out against the Florida Family Admendment, which would better define the term marriage in our state constitution. The main goal of this admendment is to provide state constituinal support for our state's law banning same sex marriage, although there are a lot of people who believe that it will effect relenting between heterosexual couples also.
Why do I bring this up today? I was forwarded an email John Stemberger who is the Chairman of who had several links on the end of his email, including one titled: How the Amendment May Effect Other Statewide Elections
He concluded his email like this:
"Would you PLEASE ask yourself "what would God have me to do over the next three months?" to help this important and historical effort in Florida. We only have only a short window of opportunity and this is a Herculean unprecedented volunteer effort--but with everyone playing apart, WE CAN DO THIS.
Thank you in advanced for your commitment to the protection of natural Marriage in Florida."
Now mind you, if you click the link you can read where Joe Follick says Stemberger says "He said the group is not trying to influence other races." I am sure than the title of his link above to his supporters is just an observation.
It is also mentioned that "Stemberger was the author one of last year's most strident political moves as a supporter of U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez. During a bitter primary fight, Stemberger was behind a direct mail flier carrying the approval of Martinez's campaign that called conservative candidate Bill McCollum a man who would "appease the radical homosexual agenda."
But, still not the reason that this post is here today for the Blog Readers, no itbecauseasue of another Stemberger quote in the article, on describing how he feels about the campaign:
"This is our moment in history. This is like our civil rights movement"
A civil rights movement where you secure that people will never have the right to marriage or a civil union. No matter what thier religion teaches, or science proves, or how popular opinon may change.
What would God want you to do over the next three months with this campaign?
Posted by LCYD at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sen. John Edwards coming to Tallahassee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 29, 2005
CONTACTS: David Ginsberg/Jenni Lee 202-449-7601
Washington, DC - In an effort to get more young people involved in the fight against poverty, Senator John Edwards will travel to ten schools across the country in October to launch Project Opportunity, a new student-led effort to encourage young people to make the elimination of poverty the cause of their generation."In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we have a historic opportunity. The country is hungry for change and we do not have to live in an America that accepts poverty as a fact of life or chooses to ignore it," Edwards said. "At so many critical moments in our nation's history, it has been our young people who have made a difference, and that's why I am asking them to join me and their peers in making the eradication of poverty the cause of this generation."
Senator Edwards will travel to the following schools on the following dates as a part of Project Opportunity:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, October 17
University of Missouri at Columbia, October 18
Yale University, October 19
Harvard University, October 20
Dartmouth College, October 21
University of Texas at Austin, October 24
University of California at Berkeley, October 25
University of Wisconsin at Madison, October 26
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, October 27
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, October 28
The goal of Project Opportunity is twofold: to get more young people involved in their communities and to encourage young people to advocate and promote policies that expand opportunity. Students will challenge their peers to take the Project Opportunity pledge and commit to 20 hours of community service per semester, to press for policy solutions at the local and national level, and to work with colleges and universities to maximize their impact in the fight against poverty. The Project Opportunity chapters were formed this summer and each chapter is adopting a community service project in their area. To learn more about Project Opportunity, please visit
Project Opportunity is a project of the Center for Promise and Opportunity. The Center for Promise and Opportunity is dedicated to exploring new ways to expand opportunity and realize the promise of our country for all Americans. Its mission encompasses much more than just proposing ideas - it will lead efforts to build public support for change, and will serve as an incubator for solutions, conducting real-world trials. Edwards is the honorary chair of the Center for Promise and Opportunity. To learn more about the Center for Promise and Opportunity, please visit
Currently Senator Edwards is scheduled to speak at 12 Noon in the Grand Ballroom. The doors are scheduled to be opened at 11:00 AM, and the event is not planned to be ticketed. Now this is still subject to some change, but I wanted to make sure everyone had a heads up.
Posted by LCYD at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: John Edwards, youth vote