Who would define every political campaign contribution as a "bribery" punishable by a year in prison? Who would legalize marijuana? Lower the voting age? Lower the drinking age? Who would insist that we redistrict the state of Florida?
The People of Florida, that's who.
There are almost 50 citizens initiatives collecting signatures right now around the state. (Click Here to see the current list) The Leon County Young Democrats are actively supporting the Redistricting campaign, (in fact there is a link to the their website in the links section of this Blog). The people of Florida deserve the right to augment our state laws when the legislature disappoints us and carries out the will of big business versus that of the people. Many people believe that we should change state statues versus the state constitution, but we need a means of change and currently the constitution is all that we as citizens have direct access to. For many years our state did not pass very many Constitutional amendments, but recently the pattern has done a 180 degree shift and now it is rare that a ballot initiative becomes qualified and doesn't get approved by the voters.
As we continue to move forward with our efforts to make the state more representative of its citizens through our efforts to redistrict I wanted to make sure that all of our readers were aware of the other changes being proposed to our state constitution. It is our responsibility as active citizens to become educated on the issues and choose for ourselves which ballot initiatives we support. As an active citizen you should encourage your friends to become educated on the issues and to vote for or against the issues that you have chosen to support. I know that next fall there will many people who choose to vote yes or choose to vote no to every ballot initiative no matter if it is good or bad...and it your challenge to try and make your friends fight apathy and realize that there are good and bad amendments being proposed and to vote accordingly.
Good Luck

Thursday, July 07, 2005
And you thought it was only about redistricting
Posted by LCYD at 4:50 PM
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1 Comment:
For the long term, redistricting is more important than the Governor's race.
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