LCYD Members;
We have Elections this Monday, June 6th at 7pm at the FDP Headquarters.
All paid members should try and come to this meeting and elect your new Executive Board. It's important that you all give your voice to this election process by showing up and being involved. If you wish to seek a position, please show up and have someone nominate you or nominate yourself. All are welcomed to run as long as they are paid members of the group.
This is the Order for which the Offices will be considered:
1. Administrative Vice President
2. Community Affairs Vice President
3. Political Affairs Vice President
4. Student Affairs Vice President
5. Treasurer
6. Executive Vice President
7. President
A Call In Number will be made available later this week so that if you can't be in attendance at the meeting on Monday, you would still have the ability to take place, run and vote in the elections. If needed, contact Alan Brock if you have any problems in this regard.
I hope ALL MEMBERS will come out and help elect our new Executive Board. I look forward to seeing you all there on Monday night.

Thursday, June 02, 2005
LCYD Elections, Monday June 6th at 7pm EST!
Posted by Anonymous at 4:39 PM
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A little more on the logistics of the elections. The will take place in the old business/new business section of the meeting, following the officer and committee reports. (Bylaws Art. 1 Sec. 2)
The floor will be opened for nominations and discussion. You may nominate yourself or second your own nomination. LCYD Members (Constitution Art. 5) may call in to nominate others or themselves and discuss nominations.
Once at least one nominee for each position has been made and seconded, and no person is nominated for more than one position, elections will be held for each office. The elections will proceed in alphabetical order by office, except for Vice-President and President which will be considered second-to-last and last respectively. (This is the order listed in Josh's original post)
Before each election, nominations will be closed for that office, and each nominee will be allowed, but not required, to speak on their behalf. This speech will not be allowed to exceed two-minutes.
All, and only, dues paying/serving Active Members (Constitution Art. 5 Sec. 2A) will be able to vote in the elections, all votes count equally. Active Members may call in during the meeting and place their vote.
In the event of a tie a revote will be called for. In the event of a second tie, the election will be tabled, and held after the other elections. Nominees in a twice-tied election will be permitted to withdraw from that race and seek nomination for another position. All nominees for an office may not drop out once elections have started. Motions to drop out will be considered in the order they are made.
If a nominee loses an election, he/she maybe nominated for another position that hasn't closed nominations yet (Note: nominations are closed immediately before the election is held, therefore if an office has been voted on the nominations are closed). Here’s an example: if A runs against B for Administrative VP, and B loses, B may then be nominated for Community Affairs where C and D are already nominated. If C wins Community Affairs, B and D will both be eligible for all positions EXCLUDING Administrative and Community Affairs VP. The time for speaking before the election will only be allocated for people that have run for two or less offices.
These procedures will be explained again in the Administrative VP's office report at the meeting tonight.
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