Just a reminder that the Senate is dangerously close to eliminating the opportunity to fillibuster.
Follow the title link to sign the DNC's petition, call your state senator and speak out!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Speak Out Against Nuclear Option Now!
Posted by Tracy at 1:21 PM
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Now, here's what I can't figure out. Why don't they just filibuster against this bill?
Senators are coming back to Washington this week, and we want to welcome them with a resounding message: oppose any attempt by Majority Leader Frist to eliminate the Senate filibuster with his "nuclear option!"
Take three minutes to make toll-free calls to each of your U.S. Senators.
Sen. Bill Nelson, Sen. Mel Martinez
You can use any of these talking points or improvise your own.
"Senator _____ should protect the filibuster and oppose the 'nuclear option' because..."
*America works best when no one party has absolute power.
*The filibuster helps ensure that, no matter which party holds the White House, both parties work together to confirm fair and independent judges we can all agree on.
*Senators should apply the highest standards when considering lifetime judicial appointments, not lower the bar.
*If the filibuster is eliminated, President Bush will be able to win confirmation for his most extreme Supreme Court nominees with just 50 Senate votes plus Vice President Cheney's tie-breaker.
While you are helping to flood Capitol Hill with calls, People For volunteers in Washington will be delivering to Senate offices roughly one million petition signatures -- collected by People For and allied groups -- from Americans who oppose the "nuclear option." The combined effect will be awe-inspiring and impossible for senators to ignore.
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