Watching Michael Moore on Larry King tonight and he made a good point I hadn't heard... Julie Nixon Eisenhower, daughter of President Nixon and daughter in-law to President Eisenhower, has endorsed Senator Obama for President, as has her sister in law. JNE also maxed out her donation to his campaign.
You can read about it here
And as Michael Moore said, Obama is the future of our country because he unites people like Michael Moore & the Daughter of Richard Nixon.
This blog doesn't endorse one candidate over another in the Democratic Primary... but that is good logic...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Julie Nixon Eisenhower endorsed Obama
Posted by Florizel at 9:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: Barack Obama
Local Candidate Forum
On Monday night the local Democratic Executive Committee hosted a candidates forum. There is a write up in the Tallahassee Democrat.
Quoted from article:
The event first began during the 2006 elections and about 100 people showed up then.
"It was such a big success, that we decided we wanted to do it again," said Rick Minor, chairman of the Leon County Democratic Executive Committee. "This is our opportunity for the Democratic Party to introduce our candidates to residents
Congrats on a night well done!
Posted by Florizel at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Leon County Democratic Executive Committee, Rick Minor
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
KidCare Action Needed Now
Call NOW to make sure kids get and keep their health coverage!
What to Say:
Urge them to change the rules of the KidCare program to ensure that children transition smoothly between different KidCare components. Tell them that there is still time for them to add language to the budget to prevent kids from unnecessarily falling through the cracks and losing their health coverage.
An estimated 17,000 children lose their Medicaid eligibility each month when they become too old to qualify or when their family's income increases. However, the majority remain eligible for another component of KidCare (i.e., Medikids or Healthy Kids), because their family's income remains below 200% of the federal poverty level.
Advocates had hoped that these important and long-sought improvements to KidCare would be addressed in the earlier budget negotiation process, but they weren't. Nevertheless, $13.4 million in State funds are included in the budget to provide 38,000 additional KidCare slots. Children transitioning from Medicaid would access these slots.
Note: You may get questions about whether this KidCare funding should be shifted to instead expand coverage to assess and treat children with autism. It is NOT an either/or decision. These issues are separate, and they are both much-needed. Florida can afford to do both.
Senate President Ken Pruitt: 850-487-5229
House Speaker Marco Rubio : 850-488-1450
Governor Charlie Crist: 850-488-4441 (ask for healthcare staff)
There are only a few days left in the legislative session. Please call now!
Thanks to the Florida Child Health Care Coalition for providing the basis for this alert.
Posted by Florizel at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Petley (and Mrs. & Mr. Raquel Simon-Petley)
Leon County Young Democrat (sponsors of this blog) President Chris Petley and People for the American Way staffer Raquel Simon are officially married! Congratulations go out to the happy couple, a match made in progressive heaven. We are all hoping that their marriage is long lasting, fruitful, successful, happy and fun! We could not be happier then we are for this couple.
Congratulations to you both, and we look forward to seeing you when you return from the Honeymoon!
Posted by Florizel at 1:05 PM 1 comments
Good News, at last!
The NCEC, or the The National Committee for an Efficactive Congress, (Which is something you should have heard of before, but if you haven't check it out here) Has said that Democrats should pick up 6 seats this fall!
It is a long article, but worth reading, check out the links, and become a better person.
Posted by Florizel at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: NCEC
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A Constitutional Conundrum
from Mother Jones:
"The Judiciary Committee is seeking a fairly narrow ruling from Judge Bates—one that would compel Miers to attend hearings before the committee, and order both Miers and Bolten to divulge the nature (though perhaps not the contents) of a bundle of undisclosed documents over which the White House is claiming executive privilege. But the civil filing is a legal maneuver without precedent, and therein lies the possibility that the White House could prevail despite what experts view as a weak legal standing."
Anything to bring the executive branch back into line has my support. The full article is definitely worth reading.
It is a sad day when you have to sue the president to get him to obey the law.
Posted by Yogi Chi at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alberto Gonzalez, Congress, contempt of Congress, executive branch, George Bush, Harriet Myers
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Check out this post on Aikane Leo's blog
Aikane Leo's blog has a great post on the CSX fiasco. Under the title: "Another sorry week in CSX-land" he covers the press coverage of the over $600 million our state is giving CSX. The state is also taking full liability if the trains crash, at least for a little while, then it falls on the local community, so CSX has no real obligation to maintain the trains.
I fully support mass transit, and I think Florida needs mass transit. Trains could revolutionize our state, and our tourism. But, in the middle of a budget crisis, where every dollar counts, we can't be funding pork, or special interest pet projects.
Good post Jim.
Posted by Florizel at 5:09 PM 1 comments
Miami Democrats to School John McCain On The Economy
WHAT: Press Conference with South Florida Democrats. Educators, Democratic Party leaders and activists will join to school John McCain on the economy during his visit to Coral Gables, Florida.
WHO: South Florida Teachers
Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairman Bret Berlin
Miami-Dade Young Democrats President Florence Moss
Democratic Activists
WHEN: TOMORROW SUNDAY, April 27, 2008 at 3:00 PM EST
WHERE: Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables - (Intersection of Columbus Blvd and Anastasia Avenue)
**IMPORTANT BACKGROUND**: As gas and food prices skyrocket, the Republican Recession fostered by eight years of Bush mismanagement is taking a severe toll. South Florida is groundzero for the subprime mortgage meltdown. But Republican presidential candidate John McCain admits he offers little in the way of direction for America's economy.
"I'm going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated." John McCain quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Nov. 26, 2005
"The issue of economics is something that I've really never understood as well as I should. I understand the basics, the fundamentals, the vision, all that kind of stuff." John McCain quoted in the Chicago Tribune, Dec. 18, 2007
DETAILS: English and Spanish spokespersons will be available.
Posted by Florizel at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Florida Young Democrats, John McCain
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wes McCarville, former President of the Brevard County Young Democrats, who, under his leadership, were very successful in electing Rep. Sasso this past spring, announced on April 2, 2008 that he will run for the Florida House of Representatives, District 29. Here is the text of his announcement:
"After much thought and consideration, I am pleased to announce that I am entering the race as the Democratic candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, District 29. I believe the voters of the 29th District are ready for a leader who can represent their real interests. I will promote a vision of the future that will return economic prosperity to our region that includes public input, accountability and provides economic growth that is sustainable to meet the needs of our citizens. The present legislature in Tallahassee has not effectively dealt with the economic downturn that has affected all of our citizens. I will work to break through this status quo to bring about real change.
I propose an open government, accountable and responsible to the people,that actively promotes our strengths. We all know that our District has much potential for economic opportunity as evidenced by the growth we have experienced in the past. I will pursue policies that encourage economic growth by embracing our unique resources such as a well-educated workforce and newly developed business and retail complexes.
As your representative, I will aggressively promote America's space program and maintain its reputation for innovation and excellence. I will work to attract additional private space ventures to the space coast. I will support policy to protect our region's delicate ecosystem which is so important to our residents and serves to bolster our region's thriving tourism industry.
Now more than ever, due to reduced revenues, we need an efficient, effective government that stretches every tax dollar to benefit our citizens. I will work to cut the fat from the budget while maintaining the services of importance to all Floridians. I am not beholden to special interests groups that have influenced some of our politicians to act in ways not responsive to our citizens. I have entered this race to bring a voice back to the people of our District.
Our citizens have long been ready for change, but they have not been provided with a real choice. I now offer voters that real choice."
The Wes McCarville Campaign has a website for more information or to make a contribution. The campaign website is
Posted by Florizel at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Florida Young Democrats, Wes McCarville
Short Term Fixes aren't what is needed for Florida
State Legislature balance budget by using non-reoccurring dollars. This does not bode well four our state budget.
Tobacco fund used for health programs
TALLAHASSEE — The House and Senate leadership on Wednesday rescued two health programs from the budget ax by tapping into Florida's landmark cash settlement with tobacco companies.
The $300 million infusion from the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund breathes life into the Medically Needy and Medicaid's Aged and Disabled programs
Both were slated to be killed as part of nearly $1 billion in planned cuts to health and human services.
Only about 40,000 Floridians are served by the health care programs, but they are among the neediest: those in need of organ transplants, for instance, who cannot get insurance, but make too much to qualify for Medicaid, and adults over 65 who are permanently disabled.
"I'm overcome with emotion right now," said a teary-eyed Mary Ellen Ross, 55, a Delray Beach bone marrow transplant recipient who has been enrolled in the Medically Needy program since 1999. "I'm one of those 40,000 people. Without this program ... we would have nowhere else to go."
The deal was announced following a morning of negotiations between House and Senate lawmakers. Hospital officials who had been preparing to criticize the legislature at a midday press conference for cutting the programs instead spent the time praising them.
"Our leaders have heard us," said Wayne NeSmith, president of the Florida Hospital Association.
House leaders initially resisted Gov. Charlie Crist's idea to tap the $2.2 billion Chiles Endowment Fund, the proceeds of Florida's successful lawsuit against tobacco companies.
Although interest from the fund is used to pay for health care and children's programs, this marks the first time the state has dipped into the fund's principal - a sign of the difficulty lawmakers are having balancing the budget.
"It's been a rough year," said Sen. Lisa Carlton, R-Osprey, the Senate's top budget negotiator.
Posted by Florizel at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
At least we can laugh at ourselves... - Watch more free videos
A political Satire regarding Earth Day. Warning there is strong language
This goes out to Sarah Smith from Marianna.
Posted by Florizel at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Career Opportunities with Grassroots Campaigns
Grassroots Campaigns is launching the largest national field campaigns in 2008 to put a Democrat in the White House. After 8 years of George Bush attacking out civil liberties and the environment we can't afford to let John McCain continue this administrations legacy. We need a president who's willing to take us in a new direction on issues like the War in Iraq, poverty, health care, the environment, and education. We need to make history this year and to do that we'll be in 50 cities around the country this summer running field campaigns for the Democratic National Committee and
Interested in applying, contact:
David Abercrombie
Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. (GCI), a national firm specializing in building grassroots support for progressive causes, political candidates, public interest campaigns, and non-profit fundraising operations, is interviewing potential staff for their campaigns to Take Back the White House. Grassroots Campaigns’ current and past clients include, the Democratic National Committee, the ACLU, and the League of Conservation Voters. We are hiring for the following position:
2008 Election Field Staff
This is a two part position. Initially, Election Field Staff will work as directors in our fundraising campaign offices to build financial and volunteer support for the Democratic Party’s organizing efforts. As the election nears, staff will work with’s innovative voter identification and get out the vote campaign in all the swing states as well as the progressive blue state cities to get all voters out to the polls.
Phase 1:
Directors will run our door-to-door fundraising campaigns to build the base of support progressives need to win. By talking with one person at a time about the Democratic Party we will increase the small donor base, engage people in the elections and raise money for the Democratic Party to elect a Democratic President in ’08. Director’s responsibilities include:
- Recruitment: Build a team of 10-60 canvassers by recruiting from within the local community. Interview prospective staff and make hiring decisions.
- Staff Management: Teach canvassing/fundraising skills. Work with your staff in individual and group settings, with a particular eye towards developing leaders. Cultivate a welcoming and motivating atmosphere.
- Canvassing: Canvass door-to-door at least 3-4 days per week, to work with staff in the field and meet personal fundraising requirements.
Phase 2:
Field Organizers will work in key congressional districts to recruit, train and manage networks of volunteers. Specifically, field organizers will:
- Recruit volunteers through phone calls, emails, individual interactions and community events.
- Train volunteers in effective get-out-the-vote skills, including door-to-door voter persuasion and mobilization.
- Manage and mobilize volunteers by meeting weekly with lead volunteers to plan upcoming get-out-the-vote canvass and phone banks, and provide ongoing volunteer recruitment and training.
Sound communication and motivational skills, strong desire for political change, and work ethic are essential. We are looking for people who have a strong leadership background, and who are ready to take on a lot of responsibility. Previous field organizing or canvass experience is a plus, but not a pre-requisite.
Annual salary begins at $24,000, and increases commensurate with experience. Staff may opt into our health care plan. Student loan assistance repayment program offered.
Nationwide, ask recruiter for more details.
Posted by Florizel at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
So when will this end?
That is all there is to say about PA's Primary.
Posted by Florizel at 11:33 PM 0 comments
A. J. Smith Withdraws from District 10 House Race is reporting that A. J. Smith has withdrawn from the District 10 House Race. This is the seat that Rep. Will Kendrick currently Representatives. Rep. Kendrick is a good man, and has been elected as a Democrat to the State House 4 times. Unfortunately, Rep. Kendrick switched parties and became a Republican after the election in 2006, when he ran unopposed for his race, this will be a stain on his character and reputation for a long time to come. We understand that people change parties, but if a person is elected to represent people as on political party, they shouldn't switch parties. Rep. Kendrick is popular and good, he probably would have been re-elected as a Republican, but now many people are disappointed and have lost their trust in him.
We must work hard to elect whichever Democrat wins the primary this August. We must send a message to the Republican Party and Tallahassee... When you are elected you represent the people and the party that elected you.
Posted by Florizel at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Rules for joining a Florida Democratic Executive Committee
Interested in having a vote in who runs your local Democratic or Republican Executive Committee? Here is a little bit of the laws that help make that happen. The party is set up to protect the party insider, so the forms to run for precinct committee person are, of course, due in June, and new people, of course, get interested in party politics around August... so the insider gets to hold their position of authority for another 4 years.
Stand up, run for precinct committee person. Help lead your party forward.
Florida Statue- 103.91 Political Parties-Section (4)
Any political party other than a minor political party may by rule provide for the membership of its state or county executive committee to be elected for 4-year terms at the primary electuion in each year a presidential election in held. The terms shall commence on the first day of the month following each presidential general elections; but the names of candidates for political party offices shall not be placed on ballot at any other election.
Note: The 2008 Primary is set for August 26, 2008. You can not be running as a Precinct Committee person and any other office. The commence of office of newly elected committee members begins on December 1, 2008.
The results of such election shall be determined by a plurality of the votes cast. In such event, electors seeking to qualify such office shall do so with the Department of State or Supervisor of Elections not later than noon of the 67th day, preceding the primary election. The outgoing chair of each county executive committee shall, within 30 days after the committee members take office, hold an organizational meeting of all newly elected members for the purpose of electing officers. The chair of each state executive committee shall, within 60 days after the committee members take office, hold an organizational meeting of all newly elected members for the purpose of electing officers.
Note: All applications are due by 12 NOON on June 20th, no exceptions.
Posted by Florizel at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sing a Song
Jame's Kotecki insight into PA Primary.
Posted by Florizel at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: primary
April 22nd, 2008 is Pay Equity Day
Atima Omara-Alwala, the National Chair of the Young Democrats of America Women's Caucaus, has asked that we share this information with you today.
Currently, women earn 77 cents to the dollar, over a working lifetime, this wage disparity costs the average American woman and her family an estimated $700,000 to $2 million, impacting Social Security benefits and pensions.
In 1996, Equal Pay Day was created by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) as a way to raise awareness about the gap between men's and women's wages. The day, observed on a Tuesday in April, symbolizes how far into the year a woman must work, on average, to earn as much as a man earned the previous year. (Tuesday is the day on which women's wages catch up to men's wages from the previous week.) Because women earn less, on average, than men, they must work longer for the same amount of pay. The wage gap is even greater for most women of color.
As Young Democrats we are well positioned to make a difference in our communities. Visit to learn what you can do in your Young Democrat local chapters and/or your local Women's Caucuses, to raise awareness and take action around an issue important to us all.
Take Action for Pay Equity Today!
Posted by Florizel at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: women, Young Democrats of America
10 things you should know about McCain, but don't
10 things you should know about John McCain
(but probably don't):
1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday
in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his
position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key
civil rights laws.
2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish
than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist
Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like
3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but
McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then
applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.
4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do
not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."
5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst
senator in Congress for children. He voted against the
children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's
veto of the bill.
6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with
millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife
own at least eight homes! Yet McCain says the solution to
the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a
"second job" and skip their vacations.
7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too
reckless to be commander in chief. One Republican senator
said: "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill
down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his
temper and he worries me."
8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but
his campaign manager and top advisers are actually
lobbyists. The government watchdog group Public Citizen
says McCain has 59 lobbyists raising money for his
campaign, more than any of the other presidential
9. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious
right in recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual
guide," Rod Parsley, believes America's founding mission is
to destroy Islam, which he calls a "false religion." McCain
sought the political support of right-wing preacher John
Hagee, who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's
punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church
"the Antichrist" and a "false cult."
10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored
a 0—yes, zero—from the League of Conservation Voters last
1. "The Complicated History of John McCain and MLK Day,"
ABC News, April 3, 2008
"McCain Facts,", April 4, 2008
2. "McCain More Hawkish Than Bush on Russia, China, Iraq,"
Bloomberg News, March 12, 2008
"Buchanan: John McCain 'Will Make Cheney Look Like
Gandhi,'" ThinkProgress, February 6, 2008
3. "McCain Sides With Bush On Torture Again, Supports Veto
Of Anti-Waterboarding Bill," ThinkProgress,
February 20, 2008
4. "McCain says Roe v. Wade should be overturned,"
MSNBC, February 18, 2007
5. "2007 Children's Defense Fund Action Council®
Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard," February 2008
"McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance
expansion," CNN, October 3, 2007
6. "Beer Executive Could Be Next First Lady," Associated
Press, April 3, 2008
"McCain Says Bank Bailout Should End `Systemic Risk,'"
Bloomberg News, March 25, 2008
7. "Will McCain's Temper Be a Liability?," Associated Press,
February 16, 2008
"Famed McCain temper is tamed," Boston Globe,
January 27, 2008
8. "Black Claims McCain's Campaign Is Above Lobbyist
Influence: 'I Don't Know What The Criticism Is,'"
ThinkProgress, April 2, 2008
"McCain's Lobbyist Friends Rally 'Round Their Man,"
ABC News, January 29, 2008
9. "McCain's Spiritual Guide: Destroy Islam,"
Mother Jones Magazine, March 12, 2008
"Will McCain Specifically 'Repudiate' Hagee's Anti-Gay
Comments?," ThinkProgress, March 12, 2008
"McCain 'Very Honored' By Support Of Pastor Preaching
'End-Time Confrontation With Iran,'" ThinkProgress,
February 28, 2008
10. "John McCain Gets a Zero Rating for His Environmental
Record," Sierra Club, February 28, 2008
Posted by Florizel at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: John McCain
Monday, April 21, 2008
Florida Rally in Washington DC on April 30th, 2008
The cost is FREE, and it includes transportation, meals and lodging in DC, but you must reserve your seat TODAY.
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida, the Florida Voter League, the Southern Leadership Coalition and other Democrat and civil rights organizations statewide have joined in coalition to rally in Washington DC on April 30th, 2008, in front of the DNC and ask them to Count Our Votes-Cuenten Nuestros Votos.
LULAC has obtained funding to pay for our transportation, meals and lodging in DC, and all we need is YOU, the citizen, the activist, who is tired of hearing "Florida's votes don't count"! I personally don't care if the Florida Legislature changed the primary date with or without the Democrat legislators' votes, I don't even care that political parties have the right to set their own primary rules. All I care about is that everyone's rights end where mine begin and I have not, nor will I ever give up the right to have my vote counted! As Dr. Eugene Poole, president of the Florida Voter League stated, this is a violation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and we need to stand up and demand that our civil rights be respected. And especially so as Democrats. How can we demand that our votes be counted from the Republicans (remember 2000?!!) if the DNC won't even honor our primary votes?!!!
South Florida has been allocated 4 buses for the Rally with up to 55 seats on each bus - that's 220 of us. The buses will be filled on a first come, first served basis. The buses will leave early morning (between 6 am and 7 am) on Tuesday, April 29th, 2008, from central locations in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, arriving in Washington DC that evening. The Count Our Votes-Cuenten Nuestros Votos Rally will begin at 10 am on Wednesday, April 30th, 2008, until 2 pm. And the buses will leave Washington DC to return to Florida at 8 am, Thursday, April 30th, 2008.
The cost is FREE, and it includes transportation, meals and lodging in DC, but you must reserve your seat TODAY.
If intrested, please contact, Millie Herrera, President, Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida, email: millie(at)
Posted by Florizel at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Why You Should Get Involved in Your Local and State Parties
This Blog post is written by Kevin Bondelli, Southwest Region Director for the Young Democrats of America. He is the SW counter part to the Florida Young Democrats President Alan Brock, who is the Southeast Regional Director for YDA. (Join the facebook group)
It is amazing how closely Kevin's argument for joining the party out in Arizona rings true here in Florida. You have until June to file to be a Precinct Committee Person, and in most places in Florida (at least around our area of the state)you will win unopposed.
And now for insight from Kevin:
We all know the stereotype of the composition of local and state Democratic Parties: a plethora of old activists that consider anyone under 50 a young Democrat. While this keeps many younger voters from becoming involved in those entities, it would be to your advantage to bite the bullet and take the plunge.
“But Kevin, there is nobody at these meetings that is even close to my age and I would rather just be involved with Young Democrats instead!”
I know that’s what your thinking, and trust me, as a former state party employee I feel you, but the rewards of involvement will vastly outweigh the costs if you and your organization commit. Here is why:
The local and state parties determine the allocation of a lot of resources, and if nobody is there to advocate for youth programs, they are going to be overlooked.
Elected Precinct Committee persons and state committee members (at least in Arizona) vote on who becomes delegates to Democratic National Conventions, so while advocating for youth representation goals in delegate selection plans is important, having a number of young democrats involved will make the biggest difference.
Some of those older activists are actually quite interesting, and talking to them and learning from their experiences can be an invaluable education for you and your members.
Fundraising lead generation. The members of your state and local parties are the high-efficacy donors, even if they are small-contribution donors, and knowing them personally will give you a much better opportunity of raising money.
You can sell your organization and young voters in general to party regulars, and getting your message out to them will increase your legitimacy and exposure.
You are officially changing your role from “future of the party” to the “present of the party.” As long as young democrats are absent from the regular party apparatus it will appear that Young Democrats is AAA and the local/state party is the major leagues, and when you get older you graduate and get called up.
The more your state party knows you the more you will be able to partner up with their big events. In Arizona the state party works with YDAZ to have after-party fundraisers following their big dinners.
Common apprehensions of Young Democrats about getting involved:
The older activists don’t want us there. This, actually, is far from the truth. During my time at the Arizona Democratic Party I can’t count all of the activists that openly expressed their wishes that more young people were involved. While there will always be a few that look at younger Democrats condescendingly, they tend to be the minority. They won’t bite, I swear (a lot of them don’t even have real teeth).
But there won’t be any people close to my age there. Not yet. That is why you have to bring them. The Arizona State University Young Democrats have done a great job of this in the state legislative district that encompasses Tempe, and with that involvement there are now two state representatives from that district under the age of 30. How cool is it when their are people representing you at your state capitol that are your age? The answer is: very cool.
It isn’t worth my time. Seriously, did you just forget to read the entire first part of this post? Yes, it is worth your time.
Alright Kevin, you’ve convinced me. Now how do I get involved?
Become a precinct committeperson. Get appointed now and when elections roll around become an elected PC. Your local/state party can help you with the process.
Start attending your local meetings. Find out when and where they meet, bring some friends, and talk to the people there. Let them know that you want to get more involved. Once you’ve been to a couple meetings tell other friends that they should come too. Once there are more young people attending, more young people will attend. If you build it, they will come.
Go to state committee meetings. The people here are the top Democratic activists in your state. See if a representative from your state chapter can give a report at these meetings.
Have you been successful in getting involved with your local and state parties? Is there something I missed? Leave a comment and share your stories and ideas.
Posted by Florizel at 12:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: alan brock, Florida Young Democrats, Kevin Bondelli, Leon County Democratic Executive Committee, Young Democrats of America
Sunday, April 20, 2008
5 days left to apply to be a Delegate to the DNCC
On May 17, 2008 the last 40 delegates from Florida to the Democratic National Convention in Denver will be elected, and 6 alternate Delegates. This delegate election is also where the Florida Democratic Party will try to meet its diversity goals developed by itself and the DNC.
Each State develops its own Diversity Goals, and Florida has set its up in such a way to help its delegation reflect its voter registration. The easiest math for this is that the party allows that 10% of democrats self identify as LGBT so 10% of our delegation will be LGBT. Also, our delegation has to be gendered balanced, 50/50 male and female. Because our super delegates have more men then women mixed in, we will be electing more women then men at this last round.
Here is a break down to take into consideration of the remaining diversity goals:
9 Hispanic delegates
1 Hispanic alternate
14 GLBT delegates
10 youth delegates
2 youth alternates
13 African Americans delegates
4 disabled delegates
We have met our goals on veterans, and these delegates can be elected pledged to Clinton or Obama, and one of the alternates elected to Edwards.
The gender break down is:
Senator Hillary Clinton
24 At-Large – 14F / 10M
3 At-Large Alternates – 1F / 2M
Senator John Edwards
1 At-Large Alternate – 1F
Senator Barack Obama
16 At-Large – 10F / 6M
2 At-Large Alternates – 1F / 1M
Read this over, and think of the people who you think should apply. The delegates are elected with a weighted vote, discussed earlier in this blog. Good luck, I hope you try, and I hope you get it... It is going to be a great convention! (unofficial)
Posted by Florizel at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: delegates, DNCC, youth vote
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Super Delegates Vs. Pledged Delegates
Today I was researching the rules for Pledged delegates switching during the floor fight. It is my understanding that a pledged delegate has to vote for the person that she or he is pledged for during the initial vote, but in a floor fight, as the rounds of voting move forward, delegates can switch to help secure a nominee.
The argument here is that delegates are elected for their commitment to a candidate and would never switch.
But apparently it is just a pledge, not even an oath, and nothing is sacred. Doing a Yahoo search earlier today it appears that this time last month Senator Clinton's campaign basically announced that depending how things go during Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary, they plan to try to pull people off of Obama's pledged delegates, even before the first round of voting. Obama's campaign has denied a similar plan, but many people expect that Clinton campaign attacks, the Obama campaign may retaliate.
This would make regular delegates all equal to super delegates, who vote their conscience. There are some interesting articles out there, one, from what appears to be a conservative magazine, Investors Business Daily. The article by Roger Simon Even Delegates Now 'Pledged' Are Fair Game. The author has a good insight to what I think could happen. I am not sure what it will mean for the party, party loyalty, the 08 election, and for our country.
I understand that Florida Young Democrats President, Alan Brock, who was elected as a Congressional District Delegate for John Edwards. He has been contacted by the Clinton Campaign in an effort to start persuading him on where his next vote should go.
Posted by Florizel at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: alan brock, Barack Obama, delegates, Hilary Clinton, John Edwards, superdelegates
Friday, April 18, 2008
Voto Latino Fundraiser & Parody PSA
Check out this new album on Itunes:
Voto Latino is produced by Nacional Records and iTunes, and they are both donating their proceeds from the benefit album. All proceeds will benefit Voto Latino’s voter registration, education and empowerment initiatives. Check it out now 15 songs for $3.99, a great deal, and a great cause.
Voto Latino on Larry King
The Voto Latino telenovela.
Make sure you are registered to vote. Music is the soundtrack to my life. The Voto Latino compilation is the soundtrack of a movement,” says Voto Latino co-founder Rosario Dawson, who recently starred in a widely circulated telenovela parody PSA with Wilmer Valderrama. “It encapsulates everything about the Latino drive to the polls so blast it on your way to change.”
Adds Valderrama: “Music has proven to be an influential platform for our generation. This is the time to use it.”
Posted by Florizel at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Voto Latino, youth vote
YDA's Spring National Conference
Are you totally geared up to put a Democrat back the White House this November? Ready to boot Republicans out of office up and down the ballot? Tired of watching campaigns from the sidelines? Had enough of the media telling you what voters are saying?
Join us as we kickoff the Young Voter Revolution - YDA's first-ever truly National Youth Coordinated Campaign to turnout young voters, take back the White House, and swing elections up and down the ballot.
Working together in Nashville we will develop our campaign plans, set goals for the number of young Democrats our efforts will turnout to vote, and brainstorm creative and cutting edge ways to make this all happen. Learn how you, as a YDA member, can get involved in this historic effort, how your local chapter, caucus, or state organization can work toward our collective goals, and what resources YDA National can provide you to help with those efforts. All in all, this meeting is where we officially kick off our efforts to make sure we not only win in November, but ensure that 2008 continues to be the "Year of the Young Voter."
Plus, we like to have a good time at YDA. After all, this conference is taking place in the heart of Music City, USA. Once all that hard work planning and preparing is done, reward yourself with some good ol' fashioned fun in Nashville's world famous bar and club district, Music Row, with enough live music to suit all your tastes!
Posted by Florizel at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Young Democrats of America, youth vote
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Training Opportunity
The Florida Young Democrats are committed to the defeat of the so called “Marriage Amendment”. Please attend these trainings if you can. The trainings come from the Camp Wellstone model and can help with all aspects of activism.
Sign up here
Campaign Training Program
At the two-and-a-half day training, you’ll have the opportunity to choose one of two tracks:
Advanced Track: Working on a Campaign: This track is designed for you if you are one of our more experienced campaign volunteers. This track teaches participants the modern mechanics of organizing for political campaigns. During your sessions you will learn advanced techniques of targeting, organizing, media relations, volunteer coordination, Get Out the Vote, and the latest campaign technology.
Fundamentals Track: Working on a Campaign: This track is designed for you if you want to learn the step by step fundamentals necessary to be successful at the grassroots level. Topics will include: planning, volunteer recruitment, field, planning events, canvassing, earned media, and even writing a blog. You will learn the basic skills that are essential to putting your local issue or political campaign in the best position to win.
The Florida Young Democrats are co-sponsors of this training.
Posted by Florizel at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Florida Red and Blue
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Great PSA on why Florida should raise our Tobacco tax
A dollar can go a long way:
Share this information with your friends. We need this tax.
Posted by Florizel at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cigarette Tax
Bill Clinton thinks young people aren't savvy
Bill Clinton, who heavily targeted young voters almost 20 years ago when he was first elected, how now said that they aren't savvy enough to figure out who they should vote for.
Older voters gravitate to Hillary Clinton because they're too wise to be fooled by Barack Obama's rhetoric, former president Bill Clinton told Pennsylvania voters today.
Clinton's comments, to a packed high school gym about an hour north of Philadelphia, were one part presidential politics and one part legacy protection. His beef was with Obama's contention that many of the problems facing the country today were simmering long before President Bush took office seven-plus years ago.
I don't think he meant it the way that he said it, but he did say it. That isn't going to win his wife any more votes.
Read the full post by clicking here.
Posted by Florizel at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, youth vote
Floor Fight Script
Lawrence O'Donnell Jr., former West Wing writer-producer, wrote a possible script for what might go down at the DNCC in Denver this summer. I know most people wrote about this last week when the Huffington Post first posted it from the New York Magazine, but many of my friends hadn't seen it yet. Leon County DEC Vice Chair Monica O'Neal asked that I share this information with the local populace, so I am posting it here on the Tallahassee Leaders Forum.
We know that our blog is checked regularly, this will surely make the story increase in popularity. It is a little long, but well worth the read, and it has, what many of us would consider a happy ending!
Posted by Florizel at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: DNCC, Monica O'Neal
No on 2 Internet Action Day
The people pushing Amendment 2 have a ‘big’ announcement tomorrow. According to a press report, Florida4Marriage will host a series of news conferences, “to launch its campaign and name local leaders.”
Let’s be ready for them.
Let’s show them that we’re ready for their campaign of misinformation by making today our Biggest Internet Day!
Here are three things you can do right now in front of your computer that will help our campaign to defeat Amendment 2.
1) Sign the SayNo2 pledge on the campaign website!
2) Help us win $1,000 by going to eQualityGiving and voting for Florida Red and Blue in the box to the right!
3) Make a contribution yourself. Any amount you give – especially if you’ve given before – will make a great statement if you do it today. Giving $50, $30 or even $10 will be a great help!
These things we can all do to help keep this bad law out of our state constitution! I hope all of you at least take the time to go to eQualityGiving and click the poll. It doesn't require any registration or much time, just a click of the mouse.
Posted by Florizel at 12:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Florida Red and Blue
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sheriff: There is slavery in Florida tomato fields
In March, the Florida Legislature apologized for the state's support of slavery-in the past. It was long overdue, to say the least. But, as they are attempting to make amends for past transgression, Florida is still a state in which slavery is still practiced.
"The seven cases of modern slavery that have been uncovered in the fields of Florida are just the tip of the iceberg," Benitez said, referring federal cases in the past decade. (You can view the case here.)
Today, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee heard testimony about the conditions in Florida and have vowed to monitor the situation.
Sign the petition from Fair Food Nation and CIW demanding that restaurants like Burger King support worker rights.
John Bowe's book, "Nobodies" was released last year that discusses the issue of slave labor in the U.S..
Recent Stories:
Did Burger King Target and Spy on Tomato Pickers Rights Groups?
Congress back call to raise tomato pickers wages
Slavery in the land of the free
Sixth Suspect Arrested in Slave Case
Past News Stories:
December 2007: Fruit-pickers escape
2005: Modern-Day 'Slave Farms' in FL (NPR)
Posted by Yogi Chi at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: labor
Gov. Charlie Crist is cutting off his nose to spite his face
So our state is facing a huge budget shortfall. Major health organizations are pushing to raise the cigarette tax, which one raise our state's budget about $1 billion.
Our state needs this money. It will decrease the smoking rates, and will increase budget. But Crist has said no, no new taxes, or tax increases. Even if there are no negatives to the tax increase. We receive new monies, smokers decrease their smoking rates. Win - Win.
Here is a snippet from the article:
But it's health care advocates who are pushing the bill (SB 2790), arguing that raising the tax would cause people, especially cash-strapped kids, to stop smoking. The American Cancer Society estimates that 123,000 people might stop smoking as a result of a $1 increase.
The bill's sponsor, Sen. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, knows the strong opposition to tax increases, especially in an election year. So, Deutch's bill also changes the word "tax" in the cigarette tax law, making it a "user fee" instead.
Win Win. Anyone who can't see that is a fool.
The Bill passed out of its Senate Committee today, the only Senator to vote "NO" was Senator Charles Dean. I called Senator Dean's office to encourage him to reconsider his vote next time it is before him. The Aide that answered the phone state that the Governor called the Senator and specifically asked him to vote no. The aide said that it was a long conversation, and the Governor state that if it makes it to his desk he will Veto it.
This is unacceptable. Over 2/3's of the state would like to see the cost of cigarettes go up in our state. We all would like to see fewer smokers. And we need the revenue. If this bill can make it through both chambers to his desk the Governor needs to sign it.
The Governor should actively support this bill, or passively ignore it. This stance he is taking is against the people of Florida. He is playing party politics, working against all taxes, while our state suffers. Putting the party above our state's health and well being is in excusable.
Governor Crist needs to reconsider his stance on Cigarette taxes.
Posted by Florizel at 3:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: Cigarette Tax, Governor Crist
Looking for Young Election 2008 Reporters
Check out this opportunity from WireTap:
You know that we are witnessing what may be the most important election of our lifetime. For the first time in decades, the future of education, jobs, climate change, national security, immigration -- almost every major issue that young people care about is being debated by passionate and dynamic presidential candidates. As young voters are coming out in record numbers, WireTap magazine is thrilled to partner up with Rock the Vote to support the work of five emerging reporters for Rock the Trail project.
These young reporters will rock their local, state and presidential campaign trails to deliver insightful and compelling blogs, articles and videos from the communities they live in, reporting on young people's top issues. Rock the Trail reporters will help make this election relevant, fun and meaningful for new voters.
The issues and voices of Rock the Trail reporters will be posted on,,, and will also be available for viewing on AT&T mobile phones. In addition, we will be working with the to contribute unique perspectives complementary to the site's vast coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign.
Entries will be judged by the staff of Rock the Vote and WireTap, as well as an advisory panel of distinguished journalists including:
- Jeff Chang, award-winning author of 'Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the
Hip Hop Generation'
- Sian-Pierre Regis, producer, BET News
- Peter Rothberg, associate publisher, The Nation magazine
- Jose Antonio Vargas, political feature writer, The Washington Post.
Rock the Trail reporters will be paid a $500 monthly stipend and supplied with a laptop, cell phone and video camera to rock the 2008 campaign trail. Rock the Trail
reporters will work approximately 10-15 hours a week from May 15 to November 30.
So, if you're a U.S. citizen between the ages of 18-29 and interested in reporting on one of the most exciting times in U.S. politics, please visit:
Deadline to complete an application: May 7th (not a minute after 11:59pm).
Posted by Florizel at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wire Tap, youth vote
Monday, April 14, 2008
Young Voters are demanding the popular vote
Reading Wiretap this past week, I read an article where the young people are demanding the popular vote. Why?
Today's youth are more ethnically and racially diverse than ever before. This unprecedented diversity of Millenial's though is not fully present at the voting booth, because of our antiquated Electoral College system.
"In the context of the Electoral College, geography explains some of the reason that this voting gap persists. Born out of American federalism -- a system in which the power to govern is shared between the national and state governments -- the Electoral College was intended to prevent the tyranny of the majority by protecting the sovereignty of small states. But, that also came into existence at the same time that women and people of color (many who weren't 'free' or regarded as citizens!) were not allowed to vote.
The population of today's communities of color are concentrated primarily in uncontested states. While the African American and Latino youth voting blocs are large (and growing, as the case is for Latinos), they are concentrated in several uncontested states, such as Maryland, Mississippi, Texas, California, New York and the District of Columbia among others."
The author argues:
"Retiring the Electoral College and having the popular vote decide the presidential elections will engage more young people of color into politics. 'One person, one vote' means candidates must speak to everyone, not just those in key "swing" states.
Young women, on the other hand, are not constrained by geography -- with a large enough population that is spread throughout all the states and the District of Columbia. As a result, today's candidates have to appeal to them regardless of where they campaign and are now more representative of women's views than in the past."
It is an interesting argument, and one I had not condsidered before. In my world view, the electorial college let's us know who has won by the end of the night. A good example of this is the ongoing primary for the Democrats, who divide delegates based of the votes, a lot like what is being proposed, 1 person 1 vote style, and the Republicans, who divide delegates based off of whole states, like the electorial college.
We have for sometime now had a Republican Nominee, but we are still fighting for our Democratic Party Nominee. And the two candidates are actively reaching out to every group, and every voter.
And, with the popular vote tactic, we would never have had a President Gorge W. Bush.
Posted by Florizel at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: youth vote
John McCain: Not Ready to Lead
This is from the DNC, Alice Germond, Please review and share what you learn:
John McCain and General Petraeus' Testimony:
Main Point: John McCain should weigh in on General Petraeus' concern about the minimal political progress in Iraq and outline his plans for the future of Iraq. So far, his only plan is his willingness to keep our troops there for 100 years and launch political attacks at anyone who disagrees.
McCain has not offered his plan for the future of Iraq and he has failed to answer key questions:
-- As president, would John McCain build permanent bases in Iraq? In defending his comments about keeping our troops in Iraq for 100 years, McCain said he was talking about a long-term troop presence similar to our presence in Germany and South Korea.
-- How will he pay for a prolonged engagement in Iraq, which today costs $12 billion per month, while making Bush's tax cuts permanent?
-- What would McCain do to pressure the Iraqis to make the political progress the surge was supposed to enable?
Last weekend, Senator Lindsey Graham said John McCain does not want to do in Iraq what the Soviets did in Afghanistan: leave a vacuum that was filled by the Taliban. If McCain is concerned about what is happening in Afghanistan today, why didn't he join in signing a letter urging President Bush to refocus our counter-terrorism strategy on Afghanistan and Pakistan?
McCain said he's willing to keep our troops in Iraq for 100 years. One hundred years in Iraq is not a plan.[NH Town Hall meeting, 1/3/08) John McCain offers nothing more than a third Bush term on Iraq, and that's the last thing the American people want.
John McCain, Sunnis, and Shiites:
Main Point: John McCain may say he's a foreign policy expert, but the fact is when it comes to Iraq he has repeatedly gotten key facts on the ground wrong and confused Sunni and Shiite extremists in Iraq.
For the fifth time in five months, John McCain confused Sunni and Shiite extremists in Iraq, referring to al-Qaeda in Iraq as a Shiite group during the Senate hearing with General Petraeus.
McCain has made this mistake on multiple occasions, including during a trip to the Middle East that was meant to burnish the Republican candidate's foreign policy credentials.
The truth is, McCain isn't misspeaking when he makes these mistakes. He is either showing he doesn't understand the facts on the ground in Iraq, or he is purposely conflating the threats posed by Sunni and Shiite extremists for political gain.
At the same time, John McCain has consistently attacked the intelligence and motives of people who disagree with his assessments of the situation in Iraq when he himself can't even get the basic facts on the ground correct.
McCain has also yet to say if he agrees with Ambassador Crocker's assessment that al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is a bigger threat to the United States than al-Qaeda in Iraq.
John McCain has proven time and time again he offers nothing more than a third Bush term on Iraq-and that's the last thing the American people want.
John McCain and His Civil Rights Record:
Main Point: John McCain has distorted his record on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While he says he championed establishing a holiday in honor of Dr. King, the truth is he has a long record of opposing the holiday.
Last week, he acknowledged having made 'a mistake' when he opposed a federal holiday honoring Dr. King in 1983. But McCain fails to mention that after that he OPPOSED a state holiday for Arizona in 1987, OPPOSED a federal holiday in 1989, and voted to cut off funding for the Commission promoting Dr. King's holiday in 1994.
With the 40th Anniversary of the 1968 Civil Rights Act April 11, it's worth noting that McCain was the deciding vote against overriding President Bush's veto of the 1990 Civil Rights Act—the first defeat of a major civil rights bill in a quarter of a century.
Now McCain is trying to defend his vote by saying he opposed quotas, when the bill had nothing to do with quotas.
-- In fact, the 1990 bill would have expanded the reach of several discrimination laws and authorized monetary damages under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prevents employment discrimination. [1990 Senate Vote #276, 10/16/1990; 1990 Senate Vote #304, 10/24/1990; 1990 CQ Almanac, p. 60-S]
If McCain is such a champion of Martin Luther King, will he vote for the bill currently being considered in Congress to establish a commemorative coin honoring the civil rights leader?
Though he'll embark on a so-called "Compassion Tour" later this month in an effort to reach out to African American voters, the fact is no campaign tour can make up for McCain's dismal record on civil rights issues during his 25 years in Washington.
Posted by Florizel at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: alice germond, dnc, John McCain
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Obama Art in Tallahassee
This is on the side of the All Saints Coffee House in the All Saints District. I thought that you, the loyal blog reader, might like to see it.
I am not sure what all it means, the rays coming out of the Senator's head, or the Mohawk...
The fleur-de-lis, is the adopted symbol of France, but also the All Saints District.
Posted by Florizel at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama
Saturday, April 12, 2008
9th Annual Conference for Excellence in Nonprofit Management & Leadership
Please share with those who may be interested...
United Partners for Human Services, in partnership with Leadership Tallahassee, announces the 9th Annual Conference for Excellence in Nonprofit Management & Leadership. Held May 5 & 6 in Tallahassee, Florida this conference will once again be an outstanding educational opportunity for professionals working and volunteering for nonprofit organizations of all shapes, sizes and sectors. Situated on the beautiful Tallahassee Community Campus, this year’s conference will offer more than 40 workshops and three all-day institutes on a wide range of important and cutting edge topics, by some of the most outstanding experts in their fields.
Visit to review the conference brochure and to register. Hurry though – this conference will sell out!
Posted by Florizel at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Young Democrat Candidate
Alan Brock, President of the Florida Young Democrats, is running for the Wakulla County Commission. Make sure to check out his website: We are really excited about this race, and we wish him well!
If you have the ability, please check out his website: and considered making a donation.
Posted by Florizel at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: alan brock, Florida Young Democrats
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Check out the Buzz today
Check out the Buzz Blog post today:
The important part of this blog posting is this:
"During a bleak budget year, the poll revealed one slam dunk money maker: A $1 per pack increase in the cigarette tax. It got 69 percent approval. But Republican lawmakers have already resisted the idea, afraid of raising any tax in an election year."
This blog is read by every opinion maker in Tallahassee, and hopefully they are hearing what it says. The people want a cigarette tax. Let's give it to them!
I encourage you to get on the Buzz Blog and voice your support for Cigarette Taxes. Florida is ranked almost last with our $.35 per pack tax. Every household in Florida has to spend over $500 on tobacco related illness every year.
The best way to reduce tobacco use, is to raise the cost. We are in a budget crisis. Why wouldn't we raise the tax? Because the Republicans refuse to do what is needed for our state.
Posted by Florizel at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cigarette Tax
Monday, April 07, 2008
There is a job in Ohio with YDA, tell your friends.
YDA is hiring an Executive Director in Ohio.
The job can be found on YDA's website and on The deadline to apply is April 18th and applicants should send a resume, cover letter, and three references to
Please circulate to your networks to help us ensure a strong, diverse applicant pool.
Posted by Florizel at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Young Democrats of America
More on Jared Moskowitz
So, we can't say that nepotism/cronyism is all bad. Other then President Clinton getting the youngest elected official bit wrong, (there is at least one elected in Jackson County younger). You can't beat the awesomeness of getting to introduce the former President of the United States, and then to be worked into the stump speech.
Posted by Florizel at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bill Clinton
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Party Leader Elected Official Delegates elected to the DNCC
Party Leader Elected Official Delegates were elected over the weekend. Miami Dade Young Democrats Vice President Florence Moss was elected! As was Brevard YD President Wes McCarville.
So was Jared Moskowitz, son of Mike Moskowitz, Broward County State Committeeman, who, along with the State Committeewoman, whose daughter was also elected, from Broward, has the largest weighted vote. (There are two State Committee people from each county in Florida, each gets a weighted vote based of their county's percentage of the Democratic Vote in Florida. Liberty County gets 1 vote for both the State Committeewoman and man, Broward has almost 60 votes each) That being said...
I don't think Jared has been that involved with the Broward Young Democrats yet, but he will be now... He is a vice mayor of Parkland , a decent sized city with around 15,000 residents. His bio has him interning for a year with YDA before working for the Vice President.
I am glad to have so many young people make the final slate. Thank you to the people who helped make it happen.
Also of important note: Congrats to Rhett Bullard and Judy Mount, both from rural north Florida! And Rhett an active Young Dem in Hamilton County!
On the next slate we need to make sure to get several Representatives from Gainesville and some more small county reps forward.
Posted by Florizel at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: delegates, Wes McCarville, Young Democrats of America
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Blog you way to the DNCC
Members of DemConvention State Blogger Corps to Have Assigned Seats with Respective Delegations on Floor of Convention Hall in Denver
DENVER - Demonstrating a commitment to unprecedented access for bloggers at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) today announced that bloggers credentialed as part of the DemConvention State Blogger Corps will be seated with their respective delegations in the Pepsi Center during the historic four-day event. The move guarantees bloggers with a focus on state politics a unique vantage point to provide localized coverage of the Convention, to be held from August 25-28 in Denver.
"The Internet is the most significant tool for building democracy since the invention of the printing press," said Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Howard Dean. "New local, national and global communities are being formed which demand two-way communication between people and their leaders and the DemConvention State Blogger Corps will be on the frontlines at the 2008 convention to help facilitate this critical dialogue."
In November, the DNCC announced its blogger credentialing process for 2008, including an expansion of the credentialed blogger pool from prior cycles and the addition of a state blogger credentialing program. Under the DemConvention State Blogger Corps, which is designed for those covering state and local politics, the DNCC is offering the opportunity for one blogger to be credentialed from each of the states and territories. The program, recognizing the growth of more localized blogs and in line with Governor Dean's 50-state strategy, has been open for applications since December.
"Time and again, we talk about our commitment to bring down the walls of the Pepsi Center and engage more people in the Convention experience using new technology and other creative means," said Leah D. Daughtry, CEO of the DNCC. "Granting unprecedented access to our state bloggers shows we are serious about making this an inclusive, accessible event. When our nominee for President of the United States takes the stage, members of the DemConvention State Blogger Corps will witness this historic moment from the best seats in the house - and in turn, be able to offer their dedicated readers back home a first-hand account from the center of that state's action."
To qualify as a state blogger, the applicant's blog must have been in existence six months prior to requesting credentials and have at least 120 politically related blog posts. Bloggers must submit their daily audience and list their authority based on Technorati statistics. Bloggers may also provide examples of posts that make their blog stand out as an effective online organizing tool and/or agent of change.
In addition to the DemConvention State Blogger Corps, the DNCC will also credential a general blogger pool, to include local, state and national political bloggers, as well as niche and video bloggers from across the country.
Applications for blogger credentials will be accepted until April 15, 2008. Individuals selected for either the DemConvention State Blogger Corps or the general blogger pool will be notified in May.
Bloggers interested in applying can find additional information at:
Posted by Florizel at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Michelle Obama is coming to the Moon next week!
Here is the direct information From Obama's website, available if you search by zip code. It is a little biased, but one would expect that from the candidates website. This is not an endorsement by the local YD's.
Michelle Obama will be in Tallahassee, Florida at The Moon, 1105 E Lafayette Street on Wednesday, April 9, 2008, for a coffee, running approximately from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The host committee is offering tickets at two price levels: $250 and $125, very affordable by Presidential campaign standards. The $250 tickets are for admission to the ground floor, where the speaker's platform will be, while the $125 tickets are for the balcony.
Send checks to Patsy Palmer, 1117 Myers Park Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32301 or to Don Hinkle, Hinkle & Foran, 1545 Raymond Diehl Road, Suite 150, Tallahassee, Fl 32308. If you need to use a credit card, please call Don's assistant, Patti Liedy at (850) 205-2055 and she will e-mail you a donation form. Don says if you can't afford to write a check yourself, try to gather small donations and bundle them to reach the $125 amount and he'll get you a ticket.
This is an excellent opportunity to galvanize and energize support in the Florida Big Bend area. This is also a testament to how successful Tallahassee was in showing that support on Barack's two visits last year. We need a good turnout so our area will continue to be a stop heading into the Fall. Of course, we also need to bring in new support to ensure that Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee and the next President of the United States!
Posted by Florizel at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, The Moon
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Rock the Vote: Good or Bad? Where did the youth vote come from?
In an editorial this Sunday, the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampbell attempted to explain why, despite years of outreach to young voters, 2008 is the first year that turnout is expected to be up. She credits Barack Obama for both his appeal and organizing strengths, writing that “where Rock the Vote has gone wrong, Barack Obama has gone very, very right.” This dis of Rock the Vote has some folks up in arms; Future Majority’s Mike Connery writes that Rampbell simply “got the youth story completely wrong,” and mentions that Rock the Vote is preparing a response. We’re curious to see it, along with more analyses of why this is the year the youth vote woke up.
One of my favorite Blogs, Wiretap, one of our constant links, already wrote a response.
When I was in undergrad the professor's use to stress that we must know our past to know our future, it is the same here. We must know where we have come from to make sure that we continue to succeed, and we can't let people dismiss our efforts. It has taken a lot of work, time and energy to get where we are going.
Posted by Florizel at 11:24 PM 0 comments