Thanks to everyone who has served for the last year, and congratulations to the new year's officers.
President: Elizabeth Kennedy
Vice President: Christian Ulvert
Vice President of Community Affairs: Phillip Perry
Vice President of Political Affairs: Corinne Rubin
Treasurer: Alan Brock
Secretary: Sarah Smith
May you all continue to fight the good fight!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Congratulations to Newly Elected Executive Board
Posted by LCYD at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 16, 2006
Was Jesus a Democrat or a Republican?
I have heard Sen. Max Cleland speak at least a half dozen times now, and tonight was the speech I have ever heard him give. He told some of the best jokes I had heard in a long time too, my favorite of the evening, that is simple enough to repeat, was when he asked the question, was Jesus a Democrat or a Republican?
For his answer, he said:
I don't know, I do know that he was a carpenter, and every carpenter I know is a Democrat. I know he was also a teacher, and ever teacher I know is a Democrat, and I know that it sure wasn't an elephant that Mary rode into Bethlehem!
I laughed.
Posted by LCYD at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Congrats to the Leon DEC for a great fundraiser
The Leon County DEC fundraiser was awesome. You could sense the new energy among Democrats. Including the politicians whose speeches were reinvigorated. New energy and strength coming from them too.
It was a much needed motivational evening.
Good Job to John Fleming and his committee, and former LCYD President Rick Minor, who is the now the Leon DEC Chair.
Posted by LCYD at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Leon County Democratic Executive Committee, Rick Minor
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Summer Elections
Today's post is two fold:
1) I hope that you are following the ongoing battle for a locally elected Supervisor of Elections to have decision making authority. Ion Sancho, Leon County's Supervisor of Elections, and one of the best election experts in the country, continues to be targeted by the Republican lead leadership of Florida. The title bar links to a story in yesterday's paper regarding how Cobb, the Jeb Bush appointed Secretary of State, is trying to change state law to give the state the power to approve how Election Supervisor's test there machines. Why, after all these years, would the State need this power? Because Ion Sancho has found flaws, with the machines the state is requiring him to use, that allow the results of the elections to be tampered with and changed.
2) Don't forget that this Monday is an LCYD meeting, and that we will be holding officer elections for the next year this Monday. Rules and procedures have been sent out over our Yahoo Group (There is a link to join ---------->). I hope to see you there!
Posted by LCYD at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ion Sancho, Leon County Young Democrats
Friday, June 09, 2006
Where Does Faith Belong? Right Here In My Blackberry
It appears the county commissioner on the extreme right knows where faith belongs in a public meeting - in his Blackberry.
More and more often, people are distracted from meetings by sending text messages or checking email on their Treo or Blackberry. I have seen this during group votes, in front of guest speakers, and even at dinner. However, this is the first time that I know of someone has been self-absorbed and insensitive enough to type away during an invocation.
The person on the extreme right has set a new low.
Posted by Thure at 11:26 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Where does faith belong in a public forum?
Yesterday's Tallahassee Democrat ran an article about prayer at County Commission Meetings. And Yesterday the St. Pete Times Blog "The Buzz" ran a post on Sen. Rod Smith reaching out to the faith community. Both implied that religion and politicians don't mix.
I disagree. I belief that a ecumenical prayer at the start of a public meeting helps remind everyone that there is something greater then they are, be it God, or be it the citizens that you are trying to represent.
I want to know your thoughts on God, Faith and Public Service. Does the fact that Sen. Rod Smith reached out the faith community somehow make him to conservative to vote for in the primary? DECs are suppose to start each meeting with a prayer and the pledge, some have cut the prayer out of their meeting, Why? I don't know.... But I don't think it is helping the DEC.
Prayer is a good thing. As a young democrat, I am glad that there are still public forums where it is welcome.
Posted by LCYD at 11:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 02, 2006
Help Stop Conservative Extremists
Florida's Best Senator, Senator Bill Nelson, is being pushed by extremists in Congress to change his vote on the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment. Senators will vote on this outlandishly awful amendment as early as this coming Monday, June 5.
Please contact Sen. Nelson and encourage him to again vote No on the Federal Marriage Amendment. Nelson's Office number is (202) 224-5274.
You can also send an email by clicking here.
Posted by Thure at 8:48 AM 0 comments