Most of you probably check out the St. Petersburg News blog "The Buzz". But this morning they posted a new link to a new website A flash website that is making fun of Charlie Crist and his secret... And not the one that you think. It seems that whoever makes this website thinks that Crist is a flaming liberal and is in bed with the trail lawyers! The first one, the one that will open if you click on the link, shows him in a photo with former Attorney General Janet Reno, and the next puts him in a flash video with Sen. Kennedy, Sen. Clinton and Sen. Kerry. Computers are fun that way.
I am excited about the R's starting to cause problems for each other... The need to spend their millions in the primary... To help even out the field before the general election. Trial Lawyers as we know protect the citizens, at the same time usually donating money to the Democrats. Unfortunately, they often are involved in suing big business, who unfortunately are usually exploiting citizens, and give money to Republicans. For some reason that I cannot fully understand many trail lawyers are aligning themselves and their money with Charlie Crist and making big business angry.
Let's see how they self destruct.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The R's are starting to play
Posted by LCYD at 3:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
Worst President Ever?
Rolling Stone has published a cover story where they predict that President Bush might be the worst American President in history. I just wanted everybody to know.
Posted by LCYD at 12:11 PM 5 comments
Saturday, April 22, 2006
What if the Simpsons were real
Check out this link to the see the Simpsons come to life.
From Wikipedia:
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening. It is the longest-running American sitcom and longest-running American animated program of all time, with 17 seasons and 373 episodes since it debuted on December 17, 1989, on FOX. The Simpsons is the highest rated cartoon of all time, at one point in time averaging higher than 25 million viewers.[1] The television series is a spin-off of a series of animated shorts originally aired on The Tracey Ullman Show.
and if you Yahoo the Simpsons you get over 25 million hits!
No nothing really political about this, but I wanted to share this neat clip with you.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Posted by LCYD at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Statewide Press for the LCYDs
The Smith Campaign is hosting the radio interview that played on Florida Public Radio last week on their website...
Hear our organization's name, hear the vice president of the LCYDs Thure Caire speak and earn himself statewide name recognition.
Check out the link:
Posted by LCYD at 11:11 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Walk with Will
Have you given to the March of Dimes yet? The Leon County Young Democrats want to help Rep. Ausley reach her goal of 10,000 online in the next week. How do we do that? We forward this page to our friends and relatives and let them know that we appreciate the hard work of the March of Dimes and we hope that might be able to help out with a small donation.
They can click on the title bar or this link here:
Rep. Ausley has been good to us and the citizens of her district, and now is one way to show our gratitude and respect.
Posted by LCYD at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Leon County Young Democrats, Rep. Ausley, Will Hollimon
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The People Have Spoken
Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz is working hard to help keep our smaller classrooms. The state of Florida overwhelming supported smaller class size, and in a year where we have over $5 billion budget surplus the Governor's argument that we cannot afford to implement the plan rings false to everyone.
Click the title bar to be taken to a website to sign this petition:
Dear Legislator,
As a Floridian, I believe our state should be
committed to smaller classes for better neighborhood schools.
Because of this, I fully support the class size reduction amendment
that voters passed in 2002.
Today, seventy percent of Floridians want smaller
classes. The people have spoken -- loud and clear.
Now it's time for the legislature to listen.
Please, for the sake of Florida's future, vote against this misguided
Thank you,
The People of Florida
Posted by LCYD at 8:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Time to Get Your Learn On!
The Leon County Young Democrats are committed to having a minimum of 25 members at this training so mark your calendar now! I would like to see us have twice that number there!
North Florida Activist Training -- Hosted by the Florida Democratic Party Get ready for the 2006 campaign!The Florida Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign will hold a one-day activist training camp in Tallahassee for North Floridians who want to help elect Democrats in 2006!
Local and national experts on campaign management, field organizing, communications, grassroots advocacy, and organization building will be on hand to instruct and work with you one-on-one to develop your ability to promote progressive values and Democratic Party-building skills.
We need YOU (and ALL of your Democratic friends) in order to win in November!
Date: May 6th (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 am- 4:30 pm (Check-in opens at 8:45 am)
Location: Tallahassee Community College Legislative Research Center and Museum 444 Appleyard Drive Tallahassee, Florida
Requirement: You must be a registered Democrat or Independent. Please sign up before May 3, 2006.
To sign up for training: Call 850-222-3411 or log on to BEFORE May 3, 2006.
For more information, please call State Party Headquarters at 850-222-3411.
Posted by LCYD at 10:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 10, 2006
Capitol City GLBT Democrats
The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus, the official gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender caucus of the Florida Democratic Party, is excited to announce the first organization meeting for a chapter in Tallahassee and Leon County. We are building on our state-wide network of chapters to turn out the GLBT community to the polls like never before in Florida's history.
From the Republican Party contributing $300,000 to the state constitutional amendment that would ban marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships for gay and lesbian Floridians, to stopping legislation that would protect students from bullying or allow gay foster parents to adopt, we must fight back by electing progressive, common sense Democrats.
The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 18 at 7:00 PM in the Family Tree Community Center located at:
310 Blount Street, Suite 205
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Take Gaines Street to Bronough Street (you can only go one way on Bronough) and turn Right on Blount Street. It's the first building on the Right.
You can learn more about the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus by going to or contacting me at
Posted by Phillip Perry at 8:05 PM 3 comments
Tomorrow Night Walk with Will Kick Off!!!
Here is an invite from Rep. Ausley to help kick off her son's team for the local March of Dimes:
Iron Will invites you to join us on Tuesday, April 11th from 5:30 - 7:30pm at Paradise Grill and Bar. If you are participating in the walk, you can bring donations already collected and pick up your t-shirt. If you cannot participate in the Walk, but would like to support our team, t-shirts will be for sale at Paradise.
This promises to be a fun evening. Refreshments will be available, and entertainment will be provided by Frank Douglas and the Fried Turkeys . Please pass this along to your friends and neighbors to encourage them to come out and support our efforts on behalf of the March of Dimes! We would love to see everyone there. However, if you are not able to make it to the kick-off, you can still mail us your donation! Please make checks payable to March of Dimes and write Walk With Will on the memo line. Checks can be mailed to PO Box 786, Tallahassee, FL 32302.
Many thanks for your friendship and support over the past three years. We hope to see you in the coming weeks as we join together to support this worthy cause.
Loranne, Bill and Iron Will
Posted by LCYD at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Relay for Life Report
This past Friday and Saturday the Leon County Young Democrats participated with the TCC Relay for Life. I am glad to report that our team out raised any team online and placed third overall. I have loaded some pictures from the evening to share with everyone, starting with a stock photo of the fundraising champion Phillip Perry, who was the number one fundraiser for the event!
I apologize you will probably quickly note that the photos from the evening are not in any particular order. Blogger is awesome and free, but I haven't quite managed loading photos yet.
Here is a picture of the Luminaria Ceremony, a candle lit ceremony in honor of those affected by Cancer. Michele Straw and Corinne Rubin after setting up the tents take a much deserved rest on the blow up toys.
The 3AM round of Dominos.
The Post Midnight pictures begin, from left to right Leah Ellington, Beth Kennedy, Chris Petley, Steve Schale and Jesse Roaza, all fresh from walking a half hour shift on the track.
Jesse Roaza fighting off sleep around 5AM.
Beth Kennedy and Leah Ellington around midnight. Still looking bright eyed and bushy tailed.
As you can see all of the LCYDs had a great time and we look forward to help out Relay for Life again next year! If you would still like to donate to the American Cancer Society you can click on the title bar for this post.
Next up we will be helping out Representative Ausley and the March of Dimes.
Posted by LCYD at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: Leon County Young Democrats, Rep. Ausley
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The Day After Tomorrow
For all of my environmentalists Young Democrat Friends, Al Gore has made a movie for you.
An Inconvenient Truth
Opens: May 26, 2006
What the Movie's About: This captivating documentary chronicles former Vice President Al Gore's career-long crusade to raise awareness about -- and stem the tide of -- the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming.
Here's the Buzz: The positive hype surrounding 'Truth' has caused something other than the climate to heat up, namely Gore's political career. Although Gore officially retired from politics in 2000, pundits are already speculating that the ex-Veep could ride the film's coattails into the 2008 Presidential race. Nothing 'Inconvenient' about that.
Check out the Trailer!
Posted by LCYD at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
LCYDs in the News
Democrat's homespun style wows 'em
Smith seeks primary win for governor
By Brendan Farrington
AP Political Writer
The Associated Press April 2, 2006
TALLAHASSEE · Cindy Satur changed parties when Ronald Reagan was president, switching from Democrat to Republican.But two weeks ago, the Port St. Lucie woman received a new voter registration card listing her as a Democrat again. The reason she switched back? Rod Smith.
She saw Smith and the other three major gubernatorial candidates speak in Orlando in January and was immediately impressed. "I felt that he offered more solutions and he didn't have the canned political response. I felt an honesty," said Satur.
She's a good example of why many people believe Smith, a state senator and former prosecutor from Alachua, can steal votes from Republicans and win the governor's seat -- if he can beat U.S. Rep. Jim Davis in the Democratic primary.
While Davis has the backing of Bob Graham, a former governor and U.S. senator, and Rhea Chiles, the wife of the late governor Lawton Chiles, Smith evokes the spirit of the popular Democrats. He has a folksy charm and an appeal that could win over some Republicans, conservative Democrats and independents who have supported Republican candidates in recent years.
"Smith reminds me of people like Bob Graham and Lawton Chiles and Reubin Askew," said Aubrey Jewett, a University of Central Florida political science professor, who watched Smith, Davis and Republicans Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher at a Tallahassee event. "Just as sort of an image, the more the Democratic candidate can get people to think about earlier popular Democratic governors, the better chance they have to win."
Smith keeps pushing that message on his campaign stops. While speaking to Leon County Young Democrats this past week, Smith was asked how to stop rural north Florida Democrats from voting for Republicans."I don't know if I planted that question, but if I didn't, thank you," Smith said. He then went on to say people in his community trust him because of his law enforcement background and because he comes from a farming family.
And, as he often says, Republicans can't attack him on God and guns."I come from a part of the state where most folks have guns. They hunt. I've never had any real concerns about gun control until the vice president," Smith said, joking about Dick Cheney recently shooting a friend on a hunting trip.
Electability has been a campaign theme for Smith. He points out that there are still more Democrats than Republicans in Florida even if the GOP has won every statewide vote since U.S Sen. Bill Nelson's win in 2000.
"We have a 400,000-plus advantage in registered voters. Why aren't we winning?" Smith said. "We cannot lose if we hold our voters, but we've not been attracting independents, we've not been holding what some used to call the Reagan Democrat. There are a lot of blue collar workers who we lose over a lot of issues."
Satur knew nothing about Smith when he spoke alongside the other three candidates. Yet she was moved by what he had to say and how he said it, finding substance instead of a political rhetoric, she said.
"He represents the new Democrats, not so far left, not so liberal as they seem to be in the past," Satur said. "If there was an issue where he truly believed the Republican Party had a better solution or a better answer, that wouldn't bother him to support that.
Smith, though, has a long way to go if he wants to replace Gov. Jeb Bush, who can't seek re-election because of term limits. Davis has more money and, as a congressman from Tampa, is better known. He's also leading in polls, though most Democrats are still undecided.
Smith uses the underdog status to get crowds to warm up to him. He jokes about how he was introduced at one stop as Rod Stewart and at another a man named Smith forgot Smith's last name. Then there's his standing in the polls.
"The first time I saw a poll in this election they had me at 4 percent. That's the good news," Smith told one group. "The bad news: The margin of error was 5 percent."
The humor, combined with a rapid-fire, passionate delivery when discussing issues, has a way of winning people over. The same style worked well for him as a Gainesville area prosecutor, said Johnny Kearns, a public defender who faced Smith in many cases.
"I used to tease him that he was the reincarnation of Will Rogers because he talked like Will Rogers and he had those amusing anecdotes," Kearns said. "None of that stuff is prepared. Rod will assess a situation and he'll get on a roll and he's unbelievable. He's amazingly amusing and at the same time he has a point to all of his stories."
Before serving as a prosecutor, Smith worked as a labor lawyer representing unions. During that time he earned the respect of Peter Hurtgen, a Republican who was appointed by President Bush to serve as chairman of the National Labor Relations Board.
"I found him to be a very fine lawyer, very honorable, very trustworthy, reasonable and frankly an outstanding person as well," said Hurtgen, who now practices in California. "I can't frankly imagine a guy better suited as far as background and personal skill set to be a public official at high level."
Smith is very talkative and not afraid to speak off the top of his head about almost any subject. Smith, who like Rogers was born in Oklahoma, says his parents were both quiet people, so he had to supply both sides of the conversation. He also said growing up, his minister was the only public speaker he saw, so the style rubbed off.
"He definitely is loquacious. He's outgoing. He's quick with a smile and a joke. It is endearing," said Sen. Dave Aronberg, D-Greenacres. "We always encourage him to talk slower, but it's his nature to get as much information out there as possible."
Smith also has a reputation of being able to work with Republicans. He helped then-Senate President Jim King, R-Jacksonville, negotiate a compromise on a law that placed caps on medical malpractice lawsuit awards. The Senate succeeded in pulling Bush and the House away from the lower limits they wanted. He also helped form a coalition that stopped the House and Bush from passing a law to intervene in the Terri Schiavo right-to-die case."
Sen. Smith has a good track record of working with Republicans in the Senate, in part because he's a conservative Democratic," said Senate President Tom Lee, R-Brandon. "He's the last of the north Florida conservative Democrats."
Copyright © 2006, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Posted by LCYD at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bob Graham, Jim Davis, Leon County Young Democrats, Rod Smith, Sen. Aronberg, Senator Bill Nelson
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sunday's Doonesbury Comic
The title bar will link to the comic for two weeks past its original run. If you click on the photo it will reopen larger in a new page.
Posted by LCYD at 12:33 PM 1 comments
A message from Young Democrats of America
We get emails from lots of groups about the failed Republican agenda (Social Security, Iraq, Medicare), and the weak leadership of the President (Harriet Miers, Katrina, Ports deal) and all of his corrupt friends (Jack Abramoff, Scooter Libby, Jack Boehner) but this weekend we got to wondering, where is the positive agenda?
One place is at
This site is dedicated to asking Democrats to submit the ten words they believe best represent the Party’s message. It’s not often young people are asked to offer input on the Party’s message-- take ten minutes and submit your own ten words:
One of the keynote speakers for the upcoming YDA conference in Vegas , Governor Vilsack of Iowa, created this website to get all of us thinking about our hope for America and the Democratic Party. We all know why we are Democrats. As YDA members, we often share the same ideals and values which tie us together. Making sure each of us expresses that and show that young people are leaders in our Party is what is about. Take a minute and join the site, offer your own ten words, or simply vote for the entries you like:
The Republicans give us plenty of material to make fun of, in fact we pasted of our favorites below. But the fact is, it is not enough to make fun of the Republicans, we must have a positive agenda if we want to continue to get more young people involved in politics and voting for Democrats.This online community is an innovative way for all of us to get involved and to get our peers involved in creating a positive message. The next five days the community will vote on the top 100 entries on as we all narrow the submissions down to the final three – I hope we can get some Young Democrats in that group:
Thank you for joining us as we write our Ten Words and as we commit to a positive agenda for the 2006 election cycle. Our peers need to continue to be engaged and encouraged to be part of the Democratic Party, help us do that today by submitting your ten words and by forwarding this to a few of your friends.
Keep it blue,
Chris and Jane
P.S. After you submit your ten words, here are a few new classic Republican videos you've got to watch for a good laugh:
Bush's Nephew the future of the GOP "You Feeling Me"
John Stewart clip about Bush's new chief of staff
a Republican candidate's ad for election- you have got to watch it
Posted by LCYD at 12:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: Young Democrats of America